Web of Trust comes to chrome


Hi mathboyx215,

Installed together with Adblock and Translate,


There is adblock for chrome?I would like to see that.

Hi mathboyx215,

One way to do this inside Chrome is this:
But this is the one:

Enjoy my friend,


what I don’t like about this ad-blocker is that it adds a status bar like area at the bottom of the window, with the name of the site…to advertise it.

Hi Logos,

Then use this bookmarklet Adblock+:

 javascript:(function(){function R(w){try{var d=w.document,j,i,t,T,N,b,r=1,C;for(j=0;t=["object","embed","applet","iframe"][j];++j){T=d.getElementsByTagName(t);for(i=T.length-1;(i+1)&&(N=T[i]);--i)if(j!=3||!R((C=N.contentWindow)?C:N.contentDocument.defaultView)){b=d.createElement("div");b.style.width=N.width; b.style.height=N.height;b.innerHTML="<del>"+(j==3?"third-party "+t:t)+"</del>";N.parentNode.replaceChild(b,N);}}}catch(E){r=0}return r}R(self);var i,x;for(i=0;x=frames[i];++i)R(x)})() 

Just drag and drop this link/bookmarklet on your bookmarks bar.Ad block removes “java, flash, background music, and third-party iframes.” Thus it does a handy job of blocking the ads on a webpage. Who says only firefox addon block ads ? Chrome too has a Adblock type addon now!
You will it and other bookmarklets here:


hello Polonus, and thanks for the feedback. That’s a pretty interesting post :wink: Will give that a try…