WEB protection unable to activate, should i be worried?

I use the free version and has done so for many years and i am very happy with it never any problems until today when i turned off all 8 protections using the rightclick options in the avast button in the toolbar. After a few seconds i reactivated all 8 protections using the same rightclick options but now only 7 out of 8 protections are active and the missing one, the WEBprotection is unable to start. I tried to update the program but it says its the lates verion and i manually updated it anyways, but still the WEBprotection module is not active and will not be started either manually or by rebooting the program, any ideas what to do coz i dont wanna use the web without proper protection?

Have you tried a repair via Programs and Features ? click to uninstall and choose the repair function on the next screen and reboot when completed.

This actually solved the problem with the WEBprotection, now all 8 applications is up and running but now i get a alert from the OS(win8) that my computer is unprotected and that Avast is turned of but when in fact it aint + OS warns me that the WindowsDefender is turned off and my computer is at risk and when i try and turn it on nothing happens??? Im using Chrome btw…

Should i be worried when my OS is telling me that Avast is turned off and my computer is at risk when Avast actually is up and running? Wich should i trust more, the OSwarning or Avast software :slight_smile: ?

Try a full shut down and restart ( not reboot ) sometimes the computer may need a couple of restarts for windows to sync properly.