Web scanner not found[Solved]


My english isn’t very good, I’m french.

There is a problem as regarding as Avast! on my computer. The version of the software is 4.8 home edition and although I have installed and registered on the official website, the web scanner isn’t the the task bar.

Thanks to msconfig [start/Execute] and services.msc, I had seen that only Web scanner is unactive. In the property task bar (with the clock), the option “hide inactive options” are not checked…

Have you an idea to have the protection resident ??? it’s urgent & important !

Many thanks!

What is your operating system ?

Left click on the avast ’ a ’ icon and if you see a Details… button click that. This will open the on-access providers (shields) view, select the Web Shield and click the Start button (if not already started), you will be asked a question to persist (keep on the next time you boot) the changes, answer Yes. That should start the Web Shield, there is no icon for it in the task bar so that isn’t a problem.

Your English is fine.

Have (or did) you another AntiVirus installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?

Thanks for your answer.

The OS is Windows XP Home edition.

I had an ancient antivirus (Norton xD I was such a fool because there were about 40 virus – now, they have been erased & everything is going well lol). I had uninstalled it by add/erase Programs [Start/Settings board].

You said that I must click on the avast ’ a ’ … but … where ? on the main screen with ‘Start’ & ‘My documents’ ???

Thank you !


By “ancient,” do you mean a version prior to NAV 2000-2001? I’m not sure what "xD’ means.

The prior infection and/or having Norton AV preinstalled on your system may have something to do with the avast icon not showing up on your toolbar.

To ensure that your system is truly virus free, please open Internet Explorer and go here…


You may need to accept the ActiveX control to use the scanner. Please delete any entries that it finds, particularly those with a red circle next to the entry. Please report back with the results and a log with any infections besides cookies.

Norton tends to leave behind remnants of itself when it is uninstalled through “Add/Remove Programs,” including registry entries. If the version you had was from 2003 or later, then you can go here to download and use the removal tool. After using, you may need to uninstall and reinstall avast.


Please let us know the results. :slight_smile:

Best Regards…

OK on the OS, you shouldn’t have to do anything to manually configure the web shield to work with your browser.

I will leave you to answer ardvark’s questions and jump back in if needs be.

See the image of the two avast icons that should be in your system tray next to the clock. The one on the right is the main ’ a ’ avast icon, the ’ i ’ icon is for the VRDB, left click on the ’ a ’ icon and follow my previous instruction, see image 2 & 3.

To DavidR : ok I see but I don’t have
next to the clock ! This is the problem xD I only have the shortcut on the computer’s desk… so I can’t do anything you’ve mentioned :cry:

To ardvark : Norton was 2008 version. By “Add/Remove Programs”, I tried to delete its files which are still on the computer but all seems to be cleaned… The results of Ewido and the other link will be soon here :slight_smile:

Sorry for the troubles.

Norton can be a real pig to remove, even after an add remove programs there are frequently remnants left that can interfere with other security software.

A link worth looking at, which is a program removal tool that can remove the remnants of a number of different Norton Programs:
Removing your Norton program using SymNRT
Or ftp://ftp.symantec.com/public/english_us_canada/removal_tools/Norton_Removal_Tool.exe

Once you have run this hopefully the avast icon will appear, if not you may have to reinstall, first try a repair of avast. Add Remove programs, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button and scroll down to Repair, click next and follow.

If that doesn’t work try, uninstall, reboot, install, reboot.


No trouble at all, that’s what we’re here for. :slight_smile:


The ewido scan hasn’t found anything. I forget to make a screensaver, sorry ;D

Right now, I intend to use the Norton tool. It will take a while, so please wait ^^

See you soon :slight_smile:

Good luck.

The Norton tool has run successfully, and all has been deleted, but there isn’t the resident protection either… I’m so unlucky :-\

I would say that it is possible that because of remnants of Norton the avast installation didn’t install fully (to avoid possible conflict).

First if you haven’t already done so, reboot then try a repair of avast. Add Remove programs, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button and scroll down to Repair, click next and follow.
If that doesn’t work try, uninstall, reboot, install, reboot.

Now I suggest an installation from the scratch:

  1. Uninstall avast from Control Panel first.
  2. Boot.
  3. Download the latest version of Avast Uninstall and use it for complete uninstallation.
  4. Boot.
  5. Install again the latest avast! version.
  6. Boot.
  7. Check and post the results.

To DavidR : I wonder why there’s no the repair button in the menu…

To tech : And the register key ? there will be another one, does it matter ? [results soon]

I would wonder why too, but I would also ask the question did you scroll down to find it ?

Yes I did but there was no “repair” button … ::slight_smile: so strange…

You can use the old one (if it is not expired) or get another here:

If it isn’t there then I would say your installation is flawed (hence the other missing file and possibly other unknown issues) and it would probably be best to reinstall avast (if you haven’t already done so) as Tech mentioned in reply #12, http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=36369.msg305750#msg305750.

I have the @ of avast! and all the shields ^^


(thanks everybody)

NB : How does it work here when a topic is solved ? ??? ::slight_smile:

You don’t have to do anything, it will remain as it can be helpful if someone else experiences this problem and they use the forum search function.

Some people that started the topic might open the first post in the topic and place [Solved[ at the end of the Title, e.g. Web scanner not found [Solved].