Web Shield and Firefox download completion percentage

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I have noticed that when NOT using avast! Web Shield downloads in Firefox go to the typical 100% completion and than disappear as that is the option in Firefox I have chosen (to close Firefox download manager when download is complete).

However, when using avast! Web Shield the completion percentage in Firefox goes to 94%-96% and then closes. However, when viewing the download is does in fact complete itself and isn’t getting cut off or corrupted or anything like that.

My assumption is that this has something to do with avast! Web Shield’s scanning process, seeing as it operates as a local proxy before it gets to the hard drive.

Anyone else noticing this?
Any thoughts on this?


I’m not finding that, just downloaded a 19.6MB video today and would have been most disappointed if it got to 95% and closed, especially since I’m on dial-up. Over the last week or so I have been doing this sort of download using firefox’s download and web shield enabled and no problem.

I did notice once that the window closed, but when I opened the Downloads again again, the download was still in progress.

Today I was trying to download SeaMonkey 1.0 (12MB) and took 4 attempts to download.

  • 1st KO’d around 94%
  • 2nd KO’d around 94% as well
  • 3rd KO’d around 50% (exactly when I stopped Web Shield provider)
  • 4th was successfully downloaded

I cleared the cache and so on in Firefox between download attempts. I was able to successfully download the file without Web Shield running. There were no errors in the logs for my router to specify any connection problems.

Why did the download stop immediately upon stopping the Web Shield provider?

Thank you in advance to anyone that may have any suggestions/opinions on this. Thank you DavidR as well because anytime I have ever had a question you always seemed to respond very quickly, much appreciated.


I’d noticed “incomplete” (but in fact OK) downloads with Firefox too, but just assumed that it was a quirk of Firefox. In particular, I suspect Firefox may be a little off in its estimate of how much is left, both file size and estimated remaining time.

What I get is similar to what you describe, Firefox’s download-manager window closes unexpectedly at (supposedly) 95 pct complete, more or less. But the download’s definitely complete and OK.

And I was using Web Shield long before I switched from IE to FF, so I haven’t a clue (and don’t particularly want to find out) how Firefox downloads run without the shield active.

Why did the download stop immediately upon stopping the Web Shield provider?

The way the Webshield works (or the Internet Mail shield for that matter) is fairly simple.

It simply takes over what your system thinks it is doing. So if you are download an email - it caches that email until it is complete - then it scans it and if it is ok the email is passed to you email program. If you are retrieving via your browser - it is cached until it is complete - whether it is 200Kb or 40Mb - and then it is scanned. If it is clean then it is passed to your browser.

If you turn off the Webshield half way through this process - then it will end that process - result … download lost.

And, if everything is working correctly (not only avast but also your browser, computer, & you), it is so quick that this process (scanning by avast) is hardly noticable. :slight_smile:

I should also point out that while the Internet Mail provider is active, the progress bar within Mozilla Thunderbird 1.5 also is very inaccurate. Upon disabling the Internet Mail provider progress is displayed accurately.

My connection at this time is only a 128 kbps DSL which is why progress is much more noticeable then with high speed connections that I am accustomed to.

While none is this is really a “problem”, it just sparked my curiosity to ask questions. I do appreciate all feedback thus far.



the progress bar is reflecting accurately what is really happening, rather than what you expect to happen.

It is exactly the same as I said above. When the Internet Mail scanner is active Thunderbird is fooled into thinking that avast is really the mail server, whether you are receiving mail or sending it.

When you send mail without the scanner active Thunderbird is recording the gradual sending of the message blocks to the mail server and you see the steady progress you expect. With the scanner active Thunderbird is recording the rapid transmission of the message to avast (within your system) then it pauses while avast scans the message (very rapidly) and avast then sends the message blocks to the real mail server. The final “ok” status from the server is then returned to Thunderbird by avast and the status bar makes its final move to 100%.