Hello, I looked ay the help and searched the foruma bit, but didn’t stumble on what I’m looking for.
in The “On-Access Protection Control”. then highlight “Web Shield” then click
“Customize” then click the “Exceptions” tab. in the bottom section under,
2. MIME types to exclude.
I think there were 5 things in there, I removed I believe 2 of them but want
them back, and dummy me forgot EXACTLY what they are/were.
can ANY one tell me what they are or where to find this info ?.
they would be the default settings I have 3 there now which are.
It would have been better to have asked first before deletion ;D
The missing two are:
Well Hey Dave Thanks. so those are the only ones correct? meaning there are only a total of 5 ? … and they are spelled right with all the file ext…?. I notced the ones you gave me have asterisk /* and my current ones don’t.:). thanks for the reply, I didn’t get notified sorry it took so long. /…if only it was documented in the help or had a tab to revert back to default, which I thought it did. silly me.
They are the only ones you didn’t mention that are in my settings (see image) and they are the defaults. The /* is to cater for multiple audio and video file formats.
In your Profile, Notifications and email, by default you should receive email notification of replies to topics that you create or contribute, so you must have edited your profile.