"Web Shield" interferes with OEX & webmail

Yesterday I suddenly discovered I could no longer SEND email via Outlook Express. Receive, yes. Send, no. For the technically inclined I’ve pasted three of the error messages I got from OEX at the bottom of this post.

I couldn’t log into my mail accounts via webmail either. I just kept getting another login screen followed by a “session timed out” screen.

After tearing my hair for hours, I finally noticed something called “Web Shield” in Avast that I don’t remember ever seeing before. Disabling it returned my system to normal function.

What is Web Shield, and what’s it supposed to do that the previous providers didn’t??

On my system, Avast runs alongside Zone Alarm, and Pest Patrol. Never had a problem until this “Web Shield” thing got installed (and I don’t really know when that occured).

Typical OEX error Messages follow:

The connection to the server has failed. Account: ‘VideoPro’, Server: ‘smtp.sbcglobal.yahoo.com’, Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

An unknown error has occurred. Account: ‘VideoPro’, Server: ‘smtp.sbcglobal.yahoo.com’, Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: ‘503 bad sequence of commands’, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 503, Error Number: 0x800CCC65

An unknown error has occurred. Account: ‘Roger Personal’, Server: ‘smtp.sbcglobal.yahoo.com’, Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: ‘421 Cannot connect to SMTP server (, connect error 10060’, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 421, Error Number: 0x800CCC67

Hi, are you saying the disabling Web Shield - module that monitors TCP connection to TCP port 80 - removed your problems with sending mail via secure SMTP server, even though avast! does not support SSL in mail at all?


Lukas, if the answer is yes, well it will be a miracle :slight_smile:
I could never set avast! to run with GMail smtp SSL… Only pop (Inbound) could be scanned if the user uses Stunnel+OpenSSL.
Well, it could be that the sent messages was in webmail (browser) and not with OE… But this is another story…

Maybe try again? stunnel.conf for gmail smtp looks like

SMTP service, listens on localhost:11026


with redirect of 11026 in avast!. Works for me with OE/TB.

In TB SMTP setup
Server localhost 11026
No encryption
login with gmail username and password

Testing… again… :wink:

Sded, which port should I set into OE account settings to listen SMTP?
Should I allow SSL over this smpt connection?

Wow!!! IT WORKS!!!
:wink: :slight_smile: 8) :wink: :slight_smile: :o :o

server pop3=
server smtp=
port pop3=11110 no SLL
port smtp=11026 no SLL

Wow!!! IT WORKS ON THUNDERBIRD TOO! :wink: :slight_smile: 8) :wink: :slight_smile: :o :o
Amazing… You make my day! :wink:

I was just going to send an answer to your questions, but congratulations on already getting it working. You can right click stunnel icon and check the log to see what is really happening. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

2005.04.12 22:58:28 LOG5[3412:2224]: gmail-smtps connected from
2005.04.12 22:58:28 LOG5[3412:2224]: Negotiations for smtp (client side) started
2005.04.12 22:58:28 LOG5[3412:2224]: Protocol negotiation succeded
2005.04.12 22:58:32 LOG5[3412:2224]: Connection closed: 710 bytes sent to SSL, 201 bytes sent to socket

Thanks again…
Btw, do you know what are the random ports connected by gmail-smtps?
I have 2309, 1923, 1937, 1982, 2071, 2074, 2083, 2093, 2111, 2128, 2146, 2149, 2155, 2206, 2229, 2234, 2237, 2257, 2303 etc. etc.

Generally you can use range 1024-5000 for local ports for anything except passive FTP, which uses a lot of the high number ports. Not really random, just picking the next available.

Thanks for the info :wink: