Web Shield is corrupting downloads

I just tried to download new Nvidia driver with Firefox built in download manager and
installer was corrupted.There was no problems when I used DownThemAll addon (manager).
Yesterday I had problems with video file downloaded with EagleGet download manager.
During download,Avast system tray icon was constantly spinning and Web Shield was scanning
same URL over and over.
Also there is compatibility issue with Windows Firewall.
I am very close to dump Avast because of Web Shield.

Just as well you didn’t install the latest Nvidia drivers, there is a conflict with Firefox causing blue screen.

I installed new Nvidia drivers.Installer was downloaded fine with DownthemAll.
No problems with Firefox/Pale Moon. No blue screen.

When ever you using a 3rd party downloader you can expect problems. With today’s high speed internet you know longer need such tools. Remove DownthemAll and see what happens.

I am having problems with Firefox download manager and EagleGet.
DownThemAll is Firefox addon and download manager.It is only one
that works fine.Definitely,Web Shield is culprit.It is becoming big problem
for me.

What happens when you use Google Chrome and or Internet Explorer? I download tons of stuff every day via Google Chrome with no issues. Maybe its a FF issue. Are you using a beta FF or the official FF?

I don’t have Google Chrome and I don’t like it.
IE10 download manager is crap and I use Eagleget with IE10.
I have latest stable versions of Firefox (22) and Pale Moon (20.2).

Ok well I am trying to help you here. Relax. If IE’s downloads are not corrupted and its the same web shield then its a FF problem. Try downloading something from IE and see what happens. Then try the same file on FF. If its only corrupt on FF then FF is the problem and not Avast. Palemoon is not supported. Please do not use a 3rd party download manager when trying to trouble shoot an issue.

Exactly where are you download the Nvidia driver from? Right from here?


I already downloaded (with DownThemAll) & installed Nvidia drivers
from here : http://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/63457
and everything is OK.
English is not my first language so sorry if I sounded offensive.
I don’t have problems with small files when I am using Firefox/Pale Moon
download manager.Only larger files (TV shows) cause problems.I can play them
in every player on PC but they don’t work sometimes on TV.
Pale Moon is optimized Firefox browser for Windows.
I don’t know what you mean when you say it is not supported.

I was able to download that using the firefox 22.0 downloader and the web shield on, 128MB and I was also able to check the digital signature, so I guess that it isn’t corrupt or surely the digital signature wouldn’t be valid.

See image, click to expand, do those details byte sizes match yours (that you used downloadthemall) ?

Avast does not support Palemoon. Avast only supports Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari.

Yes,details are the same.I had error reports from Windows with installer downloaded with
Firefox DM and installation failed.If I remember correctly I believe I had similar problem with
one of the previous versions of nvidia drivers.
I still don’t know what are you talking about.
Pale Moon is protected by Avast like any other browser.There is the way to manually install avast
online security and avast adblocker.Web Shield and other shields are working with Pale Moon.
Many times Web Shield blocked malware while I was using Pale Moon.
Are you saying that for example Comodo Dragon is not supported also ?
Sorry,but you are wrong.

Making it work and actually supporting it are two different things. And No Avast does not support Comodo Dragon. Only the browsers which I listed.

Comodo dragon is in fact google chrome just with a different set of clothes on.

The following browsers are OFFICIALLY supported by Avast:

  1. Internet Explorer
  2. Google Chrome
  3. Firefox
  4. Opera
  5. Safari

That is it. Bob care confirm this. Thanks.