So I’ve been having a weird problem as of late and I’m not sure what’s causing it. I haven’t had any problems with any of the shields with the 2015 version of Avast! free but there’s been a problem I have been having lately.
Sometimes when I manually switch off the shields from the system tray > Avast shield control or just from the active protection tab the web shield will hang and refuse to start at all, after the first failure, waiting around 10-15 seconds and trying again seems to work and the shield comes back on.
Now I’ve been doing some testing to see if I could find the culprit and have some strangely weird results… it always seems to happen (I can 100% duplicate the problem with this method) when I try to manual update the VPS, when I get a message saying it is up-to-date or if it updates… I go and turn off the web shield shortly after and it will always hang and fail to start… I even had another test I did a minute ago where when the VPS actually updated via a manual install and I couldn’t get the web shield to restart, no matter what I did or how long I waited.
Last thing is, no matter what happens, the other two shields are unaffected… if I do the manual install test and turn off all shields and on again, the program will hang and around 10 seconds later the File/Mail shields will start but the Web Shield will still be off.
None of the shields have any problem loading on startup and turning off the web shield doesn’t always yield these results when I’m randomly streaming or browsing the web. But will happen at complete random sometimes… but will ALWAYS do it after a manual update attempt. Any idea as to what could be causing this? :s
Do you have any other security programs installed in your system? They might be the culprit. You may try to repair iAvast! through the Program and Features of Windows.
Uninstall Avast by control panel [If you don’t have Avast in control Panel go to #3]
Uninstall in safe mode using Avastclear. [Running Avastclear is normal mode will give a prompt to go into Safe Mode]
Check : Once uninstalled check in device manager>view>show hidden devices if there is anything related to avast with a yellow triangle… if so, uninstall it and reboot.
Install the version you downloaded.
Free: If you have the Free version, register the product for free for a year from the avast! UI.
Paid: If you have a paid license, insert the license key/activation code after the reboot at stage 6.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. It’s better to ask than make a mistake and start over again with the process.
Is there anywhere I can download Avast program version 2015.10.0.2208? I don’t think I wanna install the newer version because I’ve heard there’s some problems with it… I’ve looked but I don’t trust some of the websites I got with a google search.
I would definitely do a clean install but it seems you can’t just simply download the previous version of Avast!.. and how can Avast! just corrupt all of a sudden? I’ve been able to flawlessly use the program and disable the shields and update etc with no problems for the past 3-4 months now all of a sudden it decides it doesn’t want to work properly anymore? Although… I have had corruption issues happen before…
Btw, if I’m not mistaken there has been an issue with the recent automatic install of Avast, so the “clean install” that Alikhan has suggested you try will likely help. It is certainly worth a try and if it does not help then you can always install an older version.
If you do the “clean install” let us know how it worked out.
If however you do elect to install an older version for now make sure you still follow the steps that would apply provided by Alikhan which would be:
Uninstall Avast by control panel [If you don’t have Avast in control Panel go to the next step]
Uninstall in safe mode using Avastclear. [Running Avastclear is normal mode will give a prompt to go into Safe Mode]
Check : Once uninstalled check in device manager>view>show hidden devices if there is anything related to avast with a yellow triangle… if so, uninstall it and reboot.
Then of course go to your choice of older app download sites and download and install the version of your choice.
Thanks for the advice, the thing is though… is that I’ve actually downloaded older versions of Avast! - via third-party websites before. Once at Filehippo and the program I downloaded had a virus attached to it. (This was a while ago) so my trust of these third-party locations is pretty low.
I’m not sure what to do, because I dunno if I want to just update to the latest build of avast! or not, because I’ve seen a LOT of threads around about the problems given with the newer version. I’m also worried with the fact that even if I installed this previous version from scratch that Avast! would just automatically install the newest version, which is usually what it does. (As I believe that the program update is set to automatically update by default)
I’m not even sure if this problem I have is worth a complete reinstall of the program, I mean… the shield is failing on a switch-off randomly or during a manual install of VPS but otherwise doesn’t really affect the system. As far as I can tell, the shield is actually running and as I stated in my first post… the whole program does start up just fine.
I’m sympathetic to your confusion, Fact is filehippo, while relatively popular, that site does have a sketchy record. Again, I would try what Alikhan has been suggesting, either a “repair” or “clean install”, however if you choose to do neither or if you do and either/or does not help then you can try either of the two top old download sites I listed (probably preferably the top one as I listed in order of personal preference).
Thanks for the sympathy, friend. I did check out Oldapps but that looks a little odd. I checked for my version of Avast! on that site (2015.10.0.2208) and the file was listed to be 18K/B in size… which strikes me as dodgy. As every other version listed has a 100MB+ file size.
Not sure what I’m going to do, as I don’t know if this kind of problem necessarily needs a repair or a full reinstall. Most people do that when the antivirus doesn’t work at all, or not as intended. But mine does actually work, but the Web Shield is bugging out after restarting it sometimes or after a manual install for a brief moment. If I do a manual install check and wait around 30 seconds, then turn off the Web Shield and on again, it actually restarts without incident.
Most people would probably just say it’s a trivial problem compared to what other people have to put up with, such as BSOD’s and such, which is indeed true. It’s just that for the past 4-5 months of using version 2208, I’ve never had a single problem with restarting the shields at all, in any regard. This could have always been an obscure bug in Avast! and maybe I’ve never noticed it, or have been lucky to never encounter it… but I doubt it.
Yea, I agree, that doesn’t look at all right about that 2015.10.0.2208 version size and the download on looked similar as well. So I went to my downloads and noticed that my version (which I’m not using btw but instead using the last version of 2014 which was stable) and found that my download was even smaller in size and as far as I can recall this download came from Avast (possibly a problem with Avast downloads right there). I’m a bit at a quandary where I got this download for 2015.10.0.2208 as it is the only Avast2015 I have in my download folder. Again, I don’t recall at all going to any third-party websites to download this so I’m assuming it is from Avast. The file name is “avast_free_antivirus_setup_online 2015.10.0.2208” and so if this is what Avast names their download file for this version then I’d have to assume it is from Avast and if so as I said their file size is very small.
If you were to set your VPS updates to “auto” so that you don’t do any “manual” installs of the Virus Definitions then would that possibly solve your problem in as much as your saying this issue occurs after “manual” updates? Actually the VPS updates should be set to “automatic update” anyway. Btw, do you have “enable streaming updates checked” enabled? Because if you’ve been doing “manual” VPS updates then I’d imagine this setting would be superfluous if it’s checked.
Btw, Avast even has a bug in their forum of which I was reminded of when my post came up blank like it will occasionally (and the history is gone as well so can’t back tab to get it back) and then even if I go to the blank text area and use my “form history” add-on I use in FF and reload it the forum is still confused as to the what thread it belongs to so the user has to return to the thread and then I can reload what I’ve typed in like in this case using my FF “form history” add-on which in the case of using this board is a life saver.
Nah, I have my auto definition update set to ON. It auto updates fine too. And when it auto updates and I try to restart the shield, it usually starts up fine as well. I can get the Web Shield crash bug to work 100% consistently when I do a manual VPS and then stop and start the shields immediately after. (Doing it like 20-30 seconds later results in a fine startup, usually.) And yes, I do have streaming enabled. but it’s been on and off for the past week, connection is dropping a lot.
It also sometimes doesn’t start properly just randomly when browsing the web, not sure if that’s something to do with streams or something like that but I don’t know. It’s just a very obscure thing to happen. Back a version or two ago (Avast! program-wise) the shields would crash a LOT when turning them on and off. Seems maybe they still haven’t fixed that little bug yet maybe?
And about the file thing, I dunno… I’ve been led to believe that usually… anything lower than 500K/B or so in size, is a reason for concern. A LOT of third-party sites stream viruses to people, I’ve been a victim of it a few times due to there being no other way to get certain files and just pure desperation really… I’m a lot more cautious now due to that.
What do you mean about the post thing? About a bug? What was the bug?
OK, so then (what I’ve made RED in my post above) what I said is true and therefore if you don’t do any “manual” updates of the virus database then there’s no problems.
Then, I’m curious WHY do you do “manual” updates of the VPS if you’ve always got those updates set to “automatic”?
There is no need for you to do any “manual” updates, especially if you’ve got the “enable streaming updates checked” checked (enabled). What that means is that whenever there is a “NEW” virus signature it will get updated at that very moment it is “known” to your virus database definitions, hence as I said, no need for “manual” updates by you with this function enabled.
This issue you’ve discovered is what I would call perhaps a bit of a “glitch” that no one else would generally either know about or experience in the first place if in fact they had the update settings set as you have.
So bottom line, I wouldn’t worry about it if I were you and of course don’t bother to do “manual” updates for virus definitions because there is absolutely no need to bother with “manual” updates when in fact you have “automatic updates” enabled and you’re using the “streaming updates” function as well.
Oh, I don’t usually manual update. Don’t get me wrong… I was only doing that to replicate the issue, as it always seems to do this after a manual update. I also mentioned that it doesn’t ALWAYS happen with an update, but it can also happen just randomly when browsing the web. Seems turning off the web shield whilst browsing can also create the problem, but not as frequently.
This is why I’m saying I’m not sure what’s causing the Web Shield to semi-crash in the first place, I was only using the manual update to test whether or not it was a “one-time only” thing or it was something that would constantly appear. The only reason I was using the manual update test to test this in the first place was just circumstance… I just happened to restart my shields one day after an update check, as streaming was down at the time… and it happened and I just kept trying it to see if it would repeat itself. This isn’t the first time I’ve had issues with restarting the shields with Avast! though, throughout using previous versions of the program, I’ve had to suffer similar issues before, but on a much larger scale. (To a point where it would affect all the shields to a point where sometimes they wouldn’t even startup on a windows login and would hang the whole system, then I would HAVE to fresh reinstall it)
OK, so then your just sort of curious why this issue occurs even though what it takes to cause the issue is not something you would typically do.
I can understand your curiosity, but considering as long as you don’t do what is not only what you wouldn’t typically do but is also what we would both agree is unnecessary then it’s not something I would worry about considering the fact you have a dilemma as to whether you want to do anything about it anyway based on the perceived risks involved. I’d just say it’s an oddity that is not something that a user would run into under normal circumstances hence leave it at that.
It could be that occasionally as a result of a “manual” update of the virus signatures (which is an unlikely event for most if not all of us since it is not likely any of us would be “manually” updating a virus definition data base) there may be unique times when there is a conflict loading the shield(s) after that event for whatever reason. Not a desirable circumstance no doubt, but not something to raise serious concern either since it is not at all recommended to have anything other that “automatic updates” for the virus definition file. (the only case I could see where a user would want to manually do virus definition updates were if they were on a dial-up and using a very old archaic computer that virus definition updates would cause a significant impact on the use of the computer).
Curious, a little… maybe. But more perplexed than anything else. I like to try and understand why things happen, even very cryptic things. I’m a very philosophical thinker. XD
It’s just I’m not used to seeing behavior like this from programs I use on a daily basis, I don’t handle problems like that very well either, I tend to worry a lot and get paranoid about things. Having infections from previous phishing emails and programs I’ve downloaded from third-party websites have made my “web intuition” a bit higher but in the long run has also made me a little too defensive as well. I was just a little surprised is all to see that sort of behavior from the Web Shield, since everything has been pretty much flawless with 2015.10.0.2208 the moment I installed it.
I am aware that antivirus or such that have been installed for long periods of time have a bigger chance of being inflicted with corrupt files and such… I think I’ll leave it for a bit, keep monitoring it and if it gets any worse, I’ll repost here voicing my problems. And I’ll probably consider reinstalling it at that point.
Also, off-topic question: Is anyone still having issues with streaming updates? For the past week or so I’ve been having dropping connections to the servers. Yesterday it seemed alright, but as of 03:00am this morning, it stopped again. :\
It seems that you have a similar issue with this user:
However, your issue is not as severe as that user since that user got BSOD (You can refer to the pic shown on the first post).
I looked at the pic, it seems that user had a much more severe problem. I don’t have BSOD, I don’t understand that language so I can’t tell what’s being said. (Chinese or Korean?) But it seems you referred to this thread in that other user’s thread. Is their problem extremely similar? (Bar the fact they’re getting Kernel errors)