Web Shield Settings has a problem with WIN98 ?

I find the following in the Help file:

Proxy server setting for Windows 95, 98, and Millennium using dial-up connection (modem):

Start Internet Explorer.
Select Tools ® Internet Options… from the main menu.
Switch to page Connections.
Select your dial-up connection from the list and click on the Settings… button.
Check the option Use a proxy server for this connection.
Write localhost into the Adress field (alternatively, you can enter IP address, which is the same as localhost).
Enter 12080 into the Port field.
Confirm with OK button

When I do all of the above my browser does not work. I get “page not found” pages for all web pages that I try to go to.

If I cannot get the Web Shield to work, how do I turn it OFF ?

THANKS IN ADVANCE… :slight_smile:

Already read this http://www.avast.com/eng/webshield_issues.html#idt_6880?

^ Thanks for the link, but as far as I can see it tells me what I already know. That is I need to set up a proxy server for the Web Shield to work on WIN98.


As my original post states I followed the directions in setting up the proxy server settings as follows:

Proxy server settings for Internet Explorer when using dial-up modem Internet connection follow these steps:

  1. Start Internet Explorer.
  2. Select Tools ® Internet Options… from the main menu.
  3. Switch to page Connections.
  4. Select your dial-up connection from the list and click on the Settings… button.
  5. Check the option Use a proxy server for this connection.
  6. Write localhost into the Address field (alternatively, you can enter IP address, which is the same as localhost).
  7. Enter 12080 into the Port field.
  8. Confirm with OK button.

After I do this I only get “page not found” errors and am unable to view any web pages at all until I undo what I did above.

Since the instructions above are what are required for WIN98 and it prevents my browser from working I can only assume that the Web Sheild is non-functional in my case with WIN98SE.

If this is true then where do I turn the Web Shield OFF ?

thanks again in advance… :slight_smile:

And you are on dial up or do you have cable/dsl?
What firewall do you have?
Do you have a router?

^ I have dial-up, that is why I used “Proxy server settings for Internet Explorer when using dial-up modem Internet connection” (see previous posts) 8)

No Firewall, the only proactive filters I have that approach a firewall are what I describe in my Signature (SpywareBlaster SpywareGuard) and use SpyBot TeaTimer to monitor registry changes (and of course Avast), but certainly no traditional Firewall.

I do not have a router.

It would appear to me that I have nothing which should interfere with the Avast proxy server settings for Dial-up Internet connections required for the Avast Web shield for a WIN98SE OS.

I’ve got no idea. But I’m sure some will solve it this mystery.
Looks to me that it should work…

Could the problem be with my Internet Provider ?

If so, any ideas what that might be ?

I use ISP.COM as my dial-up Internet Provider

I’ve posted this problem a couple of days ago and NO HELP :cry:

Are there any members who use WIN98SE and are using the Web Shield and thus presumably have done the necessay settings (see above) in the Browser in order to have the Avast Web Shield work and HAD NO PROBLEMS viewing pages on the internet ? ???


Open the providers settings (right click the ‘a’ blue icon).
Choose WebShield at left and Customize button at right.
Un-check the option to enable WebShield.
Test to see what you get.

Thanks Tech for getting back to me. :slight_smile:

Interesting, this is exactly what I’m talking about in my other thread “Where are all the menus… etc”. (some of my other questions are concerning the menu on the Avast “skin” which does not seem to have some options referenced by others and has some “grayed” out options that no one can seem to explain), but that’s another story or (should I say) “thread” in this case. ;D

When you say [b]to “right click” on the “blue icon”{/b] in the system tray (the sometimes spinning ball with the “a” on it).


This is what I find very often, well intended help on this forum says to go and do this or that, but the “this or that” doesn’t appear to be there.

When I “RIGHT CLICK” on the ‘a’ blue icon I get the following menu (in order from top to bottom):

On access protection control
Start avast! Antivirus
avast! Log Viewer
Pause Provider
Stop Provider
Set/Change Password
Avast Professional Edition
Upgrade to Professional Edition
About Avast
Stop On Access Protection

As you can see I do not have a “WebShield” selection available “at left” as you say and therefore there isn’t any “Customize button at right”. :-\

I Selected “Program Settings” thinking this option you mention would be there, but there is NO WEBSHIELD selection available on the LEFT there either!

Maybe some of the confusion is that some on this forum have the free “Home” version and others have the “Professional” version and the menus are not the same for these two version.

Could that be the case ? ???

If so then does anyone know where the settings are that you are speaking about in the “Home” version ? :stuck_out_tongue:

What he means is left click the icon once…then if you have less detailed view selected…select detail view if not…continue on… Left click web shield in the left hand side pane then continue on from his instructions. :slight_smile:

Right click the blue icon in the system tray.
Choose, On access protection control
At left, you’ll see WebShield and clicking the button Customize will bring you the options.

The last two posts by tech and Negeltu are giving you two different ways to do the same thing. In answer to your previous questiion, my brother has win 98se and he has the web shield working using the proxy server settings with firefox. Hang in there it should work once you find whats hindering it.

Tech wrote:

Quote from: lakrsrool on September 13, 2005, 03:58:38 AM
If this is true then where do I turn the Web Shield OFF ?
Open the providers settings (right click the 'a' blue icon). Choose WebShield at left and Customize button at right. Un-check the option to enable WebShield. Test to see what you get.

I Unchecked the option “Enable Web Scanning” (which is what I presume you mean by “Un-check… enable Webshield” since this is all that is there and is what it says) as you suggested which made no difference.

I get the same problem: the web pages cannot be displayed if I have the Proxy server settings on (checked) which is supposed to be done for WIN98 (see previous posts) whether or not the this option (Web Scanning) is Checked or Unchecked.

This of course raised another question. What is the Enable Web Scanning option since the Web Shield Providor is still running either way since it is not “terminated” note the message under Web Shield “The Providor is Running”. What am I toggling “on” and “off” when I check and uncheck this setting you suggested ? ???

Regardless of this NEW QUESTION I still CANNOT VIEW web pages if I am using the Proxy Server: Address localhost and Port 1280 as instructed to do by Avast to have the Web Shield work for WIN98. I actually have WIN98SE, btw.

Has anyone on this forum with WIN98SE OS set up the Proxy Server as told to do in the Avast Help (see previous posts) to have Web Shield work actually been successful at it ?

If so what am I doing wrong here ? :-\

I think you’ve did a typo.
Port numbers into avast! and IE should be 12080 and not 1280.

^ WOW, you’ve found the problem. :slight_smile: As usual it’s human error :-X It was a typo all the way not only in my posts but in the setting as well. At least I’m consistent with the typo ;D

I notice that there is not much of a slowdown (if any) at all which is great.

Just one small problem still… :-[

The AUTO COMPLETE function of the Browser does not work when I have the Proxy Server checked.

If I UN-CHECK the Proxy Server setting then my AUTO COMPLETE works OKAY. Then if I check the setting again the AUTO COMPLETE function does NOT WORK.

Has anyone else noticed this happening when using Web Shield on WIN98 ?

It’s nice to have the rest of the entry drop down to be selected when I put in ID’s and Passwords but I guess it’s a trade off.

Thanks Tech for seeing that obvious mistake on my part. It sometimes takes more eyes :o to see the obvious.

You’ve posted the problem :slight_smile:
Enjoy the forums.

Never heard about this before… In XP it works with the proxy without problem.