Web Shield too verbose!!!

Well I tried to locate a way to stop Web Shield from displaying these annoying lists of web content being scanned that pop up in the lower right corner all the time whenever I surf. >:( I don’t see an option for that, is there one that I missed? ???

If the option to shut the damn thing up does indeed not exist, it should and I don’t think I’d be the only one happier if it did.

I have Firefox with a number of extensions that have their control buttons right there and I cannot action them while the Web Shield blah-blah goes on. Very unpractical, for instance, for a page full of JavaScript where I would want to disactivate JavaScript with the extension button.

I did not see a wish list so I post this here.


Left click the icon - select web shield on the left - select customise - go to the advanced tab and remove the ticks from show detailed info. Welcome to the forum

The easiest way to stop those pesky ‘Show detailed info on performed action’ would have been not to have enabled it, they are off by default.

There are a number of sticky threads at the top of each of the forums to help you get the best from avast and the avast help file is a good read ;D if you are considering tweaking the avast settings.

Thanks a lot folks… I guess I hadn’t looked deep enough… :-\

One thing though, the option must be on by default in the latest version cause I never touched it.

I did get as far as adding


in the [AAVM] section of avast4.ini and it made it a lot more quiet.
Not so bad for a newbie, hey hey hey! ;D

But I mention it in case somebody else who reads this thread would like the option on with a little more hush.

If the option were on by default, surely then it would be on by default for the other providers, e.g. Standard Shield ?

The default option for ‘Show detailed info on performed action’ is off by default for all providers that use it.

We frequently have to tell people to switch it on to help with troubleshooting, which basically confirms the default setting.

However, if they did try to quiten it as you mention it would lose its effectiveness as a troubleshooting tool and for those who want to see what is being scanned until they become more familiar with avast.