WebRep stopped working

I just installed Avast 6 to clean and patched installation of Windows 7 64bit. Suddenly WebRep stopped working. It just show grey bars and “this site has no rating” on every well known sites, example Facebook, Wikipedia, Java’s site etc. It worked (showed green bars) a little time, but now it doesn’t work. :frowning:

This issue has been and is being discussed in numerous other posts.
It has been stated that Web Rep is going through development and will eventually be cleared up :wink:

Nothing is being cleared up here… avast just released an auto program update that disabled sandbox and web rep. us users have every right to be ticked off right now.

Yes me too on Windows 7/64 bit ,not working on IE 8.

this is bull crap.

Not really!! Its BETA my man…go with it

The version that went VIA GUI that was suppose to be a stable release disabled my sandbox.

I’m a user too. :slight_smile: I also work through the bugs that effect my OS’s. :wink:
I accept that because I have never used any piece of software that hasn’t had bugs.
So whatever :-\

Not really if, like me, you use the free product.

If you use the paid product then maybe, but
(i) webrep as yet has a very small and new database compared to other wwwebsite reputation services - so I don’t think you should be leaning too heavily on it at present.
(ii) if you are used to using a website reputation service, then just keep using that (I use Linkextend). If not, then you aren’t missing anything that you’ve been used to when webrep goes awry anyway.

Who said it is a stable release, it is a pre-release, if you don’t understand that then you shouldn’t have participated in it and waited for the regular release.

This is hopefully going to be a smooth service release, designed really just to fix some of the issues of the original v6.0.1000 build.

Do I have to uninstall the previous version before installing a new one?

Wep rep has never worked properly for me at all.

No, they can be installed over the top, if your already running a beta you can update though the GUI but if your on a stable i would suggest sticking with it and waiting for the next release as there are a few issue’s for some people with this beta build, but for me webrep and the auto sandbox are still there.

@ craigb

Lucky Guy. :wink:
I up graded to 1027 via GUI and lost the Auto Sandbox feature on both my machines. BTW, both XP’s :-\

Is there any way to disable WebRep completely?

schmidthouse is your avast program file still called alwil or avast ? as i tried the new beta in an old xp i have here where the program file was still alwil and avast was missing parts so i did a clean install and all the bits are back.

Yes - proceed as if you wanted to uninstall avast via control panel, and then use the change option in the dialogue. Uncheck webrep, restart computer.

I have done this, webrep is not a crucial component of avast in my view (and given the grief that it seems to have caused perhaps avast are wondering why they bothered!).

Yes…additional protection…webrep…click uninstall.

That’s good, wish mine would stop working, I’m looking to see if there is a way to remove this useless app !!

Anyone got any ideas?


Colin ???

Maybe if you actually read at least the post right above yours?! :frowning: ::slight_smile: