webroot parental control?

Is webroot parental control compatible with Avast?

I think so… Does it use a proxy?
But I suggest you use the free www.k9webprotection.com.

I installed K9 and my system crashen when reboot,hahaha. I did a boot in safe mode and uninstalled K9, and my system was OK again.

Very very strange… did you try to get help in their forum? FAQ?
I use it into 3 computers, XP and Vista, no trouble…

tried the program anyway and it appeared fine but I have decided to remove it as it was changing too many settings for my liking and made a seperate account for managing it which I dont like


What settings were changed, out of curiousity? I was taking an interest in the program myself.

Best Regards…

It was that it created a seperate account which caused unecessary switching to in order to change settings and the fact that it adjusts your system settings without specifically detailing what has been changed, but thats my opinion as you may find it great so dont let me put you off


Ok, thanks! :slight_smile:

Best Regards…

thanks, hope you have a nice day :slight_smile:

You too! :slight_smile: