webshield - does it not block websites in realtime?

I tried to search for content related to webshield website blocking, if anyone asked before. could not find any question hence asking.
Over last 3-4 months, when I updated AvastOne, I noticed that the webshield is not blocking websites in real time.
Earlier when I entered any website, it used to block it immediately, without having to restart system.
Now even after restart, it does not block website immediately.
Taking an example of just youtube, I am unable to block this website in real time.
I am posting this question after observing behavior over last 2 months.

Last time I tried to block youtube was 3 days back again.

Despite multiple restarts of PC, today morning it blocked the site, I saw the Youtube site message - you are not online. go to downloads.

But unblocking takes effect Immediately!

I unblocked youtube this morning and it immediately allowed youtube content.

Am I missing something?

I have the same problem that blocking website will take some minutes to be effective.

Also I found a problem that Avast One doesn’t take wildcard * as a part of the URL to be blocked.