Webshield- overlapping input/output

I am using the free version of Avast! A couple of days ago it updated the core program and added a webshield that was enabled by default. It seems loading web-pages goes somehow slower and I get this timeout webpage in Opera 7.54u2 then I load several graphic files in differnt windows simultanously. I use ZoneAlarm, but not the proxy-possibilty. I also use Internet JUNKBUSTER as a local proxy-server to filer out ads (I sit on a dialup-connection, and thus has not much capacity).

The page cannot be displayed
There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed.

Please try the following:
Click the Refresh button, or try again later.
Open the Web site home page, and then look for links to the information you want.
Check your firewall settings. The Web Shield process (ashWebSv.exe) must be allowed to access the Internet.
If you believe you should be able to view this directory or page, please contact the Web site administrator by using the e-mail address or phone number listed on the Web site home page.

HTTP 502 - Gateway timeout

avast! Web Proxy
The proxy server did not receive a correct response from the upstream server specified by URI or the response was not understood by proxy.

Winsock: (997) Overlappet I/U-operasjon pågår.
GET http://something.com/somelargegraphicfile.jpg
Winsock: (997) Overlappet I/U-operasjon pågår.

If you follow the instructions here: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=10690.0
Can you make it work?

Welcome to avast! 8)

Thank you. I unchecked the “Ignore local connections” (This seemed to me to be the opposite of what I wanted) and changed “Rediredted http-ports” from 80 to 8000 which is my local proxy-port.

I now get the normal error message from my local proxy server each time I try to open to many webpages at the same time. So I guess I didn’t get blocked out more by Avast, I just got another error-message. By the way, I think the slow speed problem was solved by fixing this :slight_smile:

TCP connection to ‘somedomain.no’ failed: Bad file descriptor.”

Not exactly… It’s right: your Internet traffic is redirected from the port 80 to the 8000 and WebShield scans the traffic of the 8000 (the local traffic from 80 to 8000). This is the proxy behavior…

which is my local proxy-port.

Good news :wink:
Come back and try to help the others 8)