website blacklisted for no good reason

Hi Avast,

I am told one of our sites has been blacklisted by yourselves. I can’t find any place to verify if this is actually the case but if so it is a major problem for us. Have checked numerous public validators and site shows no problems.

Assuming the information I was give is correct please remove from your blacklists ASAP…

We primarily use online advertising to generate new business so if you are blocking us this is costing us customers and money!


See the three issues here:
Cloaking for Cloudflare’s rocket-launcher - window.__cfRocketOptions may point at a (once) hack by NK1337
also consider: hxtp://

hidden iFrame

Status code differ: Status codes
These should normally all be the same.

GoogleBot returned code 403
Google Chrome returned code 200

Vulnerable retirable jQuery library detected:!/scan/71848afc5e97fa5c0c682e7696071db5e3888491d79096652c1aa7cf7aa60061

D-grade status and recommendations here:

We can only denote anomalities detected, the final verdict to unblock can only come from an avast team member, as we here are just volunteers with relevant knowledge and cannot unblock.

polonus (volunteer website security analyst and website error-hunter)

thanks for the info… will investigate

URL unblocked.