Website blocked URL:Pishing

Avast displays a website warning blocked by Phishing. Although the website was redesigned and files that were previously infected were deleted

How can I remove the website from the blacklist and prevent this alert from appearing?

The URL:

First of all, report it here:

The Avast team will check this out and back here to say if it was unblocked or not. :wink:

I have removed zulu[.]com[.]ar from our Phishing list.


I am a customer of Avast.
My website https.:// is blocked about URL pishing.
I was hacked months before but we cleaned up the whole Software of the store.

What I can do that it is not anymore blocked?
We are living from the store and also our reputation about over 10 years get hurted.

Best regards

Detection was removed 29.05.2019 at 10:12 in the morning.

Our virus specialists have now cleared its reputation in our database.

With URLs this change should be instant, but it might take up to 24 hours with files.