Website is blacklisted

Hello, When my clients try to reach my websites https/

they say that avast blocks it and they sent this screenshot

I tested the website on various tools and it’s not showing anything

Can you please unblock it ?

Blacklist check

Something to fix!/scan/f9c7a072a61dca926a4d58d132b2a77ba627a06848a1969a939d58417a8cc0f8

Report a false positive (select file or website)

I have tested the website multiple times with all tools and no malware were detected.

These 2-3 websites that still has issue with us, i can’t reach them as all the issues they had are resolved.
And they don’t offer any information about what’s the problem.

Can you please point me to the exact issues that Avast has with the website so i can solve ?

Thanks a lot for the help, i really appreciate it.

Can you please point me to the exact issues that Avast has with the website so i can solve ?
Contact / report it to avast lab

Report a false positive (select file or website)

11 immediate threats detected here:

Indeed, wait for a final verdict from an avast team member, as they are the ones that can come and unblock,


Was blocked becuase of phishing here: elnooronline[.]com/vbskaka/
Did you clean it up? What did you do to prevent it from happening again?

Get a 404 for that link now:

No cloaking, normal status codes, no spammy looking links, blacklist checks OK.

Still 2 to detect:
Kaspersky presents it as a PHISH,


Yes i removed these files/urls for more than 8 months ago, you can check them, they are not in the website currently.

Detection was removed on 11.07.2019

Our virus specialists have now cleared its reputation in our database.

With URLs this change should be instant, but it might take up to 24 hours with files.