Websites blocked by avast!

Hello, my websites,,, are blocked by antivirus avast!.
I found some hacked ‘.php’ files and removed them.
Could you unlock these websites ?
Thanks a lot !

Please ‘modify’ your post change the URL from http to hXXp or www to wXw, to break the link and avoid accidental exposure to suspect sites, thanks.

There is an on-line contact form, for: * Sales inquiries; Technical issues; Website issues; Report false virus alert in file; Report false virus alert on website; Undetected Malware; Press (Media), issues.

  • If you are reporting an FP, then you get another input field open, click Browse button and enter the web URL for the site you wish to submit for review (network shield), etc. A link to this topic also wouldn’t hurt.

Ok, thanks a lot ! I’ll do it !

You’re welcome.

Hi Steevie,

See your risk analysis here: htxp://
Status given as suspicious: htxp://
There are two ways to enhance the website security of that site:

That dynamical content is being generated at that website is been given away through the “X-Powered-By” HTTP Header. Remove that Header.
Webserver gives away the full version number of the server software, making it a lot easier for attackers to “worm” their way in. Change the default settings, so Apache and PHP full version number are no longer transmitted to the world - how to do this, read: -

  • link source author = Debian Admin
