Download the avast! Uninstall Utility, find it here and save it to your HDD.
Now uninstall (using add remove programs, if you can’t do that start from the next step), reboot.
Run the avast! Uninstall Utility, reboot.
Install the latest version, reboot.
Shouldn’t the Uninstall Utility be run under Safe mode?
Anyhow, I already did that a few days ago to clear up issues I perceived were related to registering Home with my Pro license key. So whatever’s in my environment is in the 4.8.1229.0 setupengpro.exe.
The screenshot in the posting above is at the “bottom” of the list. I’ve attached three more of the locations starting from the top. Is there anything else amiss?
Instead of the “artillery round” fix of an uninstall/reinstall, I think it would be better if the developers would post up the default entries even if I have to update the locations manually.
There has been no mention of it being required to be run under safe mode.
If you get any issue with self-defence, disable it in the troubleshooting section before running it.
The artillery as you say may be necessary because your settings are somehow corrupted as shown in your weird locations image. I don’t know if simply deleting all the entries and putting in the default locations wouldn’t still have some form of corruption.
What I posted in the image is from a clean install on my new system so would be the default settings. The problem being that the old location exclusions, I would hazard a guess are retained somewhere else as I would imagine would still be excluded, so that is something else that I don’t know if it would be guaranteed by just deleting all and inserting just the new defaults.
That is why I suggested the artillery as you put it, a) it should most certainly resolve it, b) it would be quicker to do this than sit around waiting for notification of the defaults and c) that might not be 100% guaranteed to work or not have some other ramifications.
I can’t see the purpose for abbreviating the folder name with the use of an asterisk * wildcard. I also can’t understand it if they are saying that is a default setting as it doesn’t appear in my clean installation (as at version 4.8.1201 and normal program updates to 1229).
Or are you saying the default entries I gave are as they should be ?
Well, we can only see the first few entries in the screenshot you posted. You’d have to scroll down three or four bits and take more screen shots like I did for us to see all the entries.
My four screenshots are the ones I sent to avast! support and that’s what they commented on - those entries are as they should be. My first post shows the the “bottom” of my locations, while the other three posted later show the “top”, “top middle” and “next middle” of my locations listing.
Keep in mind I originally had problems with my avast! environment after using the license key to upgrade Home to Pro. I subsequently used Windows’ “Add or Remove Programs” and aswclear.exe (in Safe mode ;D ) to remove that and then installed Pro with setupengpro.exe Could be that’s why there may be diffs in our environments.
avast! support has helped me square away this and another issue that perplexed me. That being said, in my experience there is a higher than average learning curve associated with the Enhanced User Interface especially since Help is vague and deficient in many topics. I have found myself doing too many “click it and see what happens” events. Which is why I suggested “Restore Defaults” buttons throughout the settings/properties areas in the v5 wishlist thread.
Overall, though, avast! rocks and I’ve already converted three friends, one of whom is making a Pro purchase next paycheck. Or so she says. I’ll have to keep an eye on her…
The only items in my list that were not created by me are the ones marked by the red line in the first image as I stated, that is all no others, as you can see from the follow up image, *.ini being the last one in my first image and the first one in my follow up.
As you can see the scroll bar is at the bottom, so I haven’t a clue what is going on if Alwil say yours are the correct defaults and mine came from a clean installation.
Well I would say this is an accumulation of what was there in earlier versions of avast and they aren’t removed by the auto program updates. In this my new system I only have what were in the above images on a clean install of 4.8.1201 and subsequent updates to 1229.
I just fired my old system up, connected it to my UPS and promptly crashed my new system whilst trying to reply and check out my old system.
However, on my old system (not networked, so can’t easily grab images) it still has all the ones in other images and avast went on that system a long time ago and the last time I did a clean reinstall on that was pre 4.7.
Those shown as I said earlier are my custom exclusions (only those opposite the Red line in my original image are defaults).
a) a location I store tools which would otherwise be detected by avast
b) a firewall hook that can cause locking with the AV so it can’t start a process after being paused
c) my digital camera SD card storage and I don’t want the .jpg files scanned when I copy them to my HDD.
[QUOTE] Those shown as I said earlier are my custom exclusions (only those opposite the Red line in my original image are defaults).
Yes, thank you, I missed that somehow. :-[
I don’t know who is oldest, but my 12 entries are constant and I consider them default
as I never touched them at all. ;D
Exactly the same 12 as ‘olddog’ has.
In the beginning of the thread (reply #5) you have 3 defaults marked with red ( txt, ini and log). In reply #9 you have the same 3 defaults and tree entries made by yourself.
It all boils down to the definition of default. System-generated entries during the first hours of use is in my definition default entries. What else? I just checked another PC and it has 12 entries too.
The same 12 as on the machine with clean install of 4.8.1229 after uninstall/aswclear, none of them added by me.
It is as I said, I suspected the inheritance of old default settings on program auto updates, as you have found on a clean install (which mine was with this new system) none of the old settings are going to be there only what are the clean installation defaults.
Mine differs from what you now report, in that since my clean installation on 9 July 2008 (4.8.1201 and subsequent update to 1227 and 1229), I still don’t have any additional exclusions other than those I have manually created and none of the others.
So perhaps the something weird is going on in my system ;D
However, it certainly doesn’t seem to be impeding my system scanning those files that would otherwise be excluded ;D but it is a relatively quick system anyway.
Well, I just removed free AVG from my laptop and installed avast! Home 4.8.1229.
The entries are exactly as shown in all four of the (nicely merged into one) screen captures posted up by olddog. However, I can’t say if they were there from the start or after an update as hlecter’s observation would indicate. I wish I would have paid more attention to that.
Regardless of the feedback I got from avast! support, I don’t believe the weird locations could possibly be correct and I went in and edited them out and entered C:\WINDOWS\CSD?0???. I love the Huh smiley! ;D
It would seem the weird locations didn’t break anything and whether a location exists or not isn’t an issue from the standpoint of security.
Finally, I’m probably the only one to have been subject to this singular anomaly - or the only one to notice it.
I wonder, tho, how it is avast! could tell me: “These entries are safe, they should be included there. Do not worry about it.”
And finally finally: Thanks for all the help, forum members!