Weird Process(RESOLVED)

Hello,today I got a request from comodo firewall to allow a process 4f9e37bd-7f45-4b61-ad27-ce57a62b3389.exe to connect to the internet.I didnt accept because it definitely looked shady.Upon looking it up in the folders , it turned out to be Avast Emergency Update.Now, is it really safe?Why does it have such a weird name?I tried to update manually but there were no new product updates

Avast Emergency Update is a legitimate avast process and is used automatically by the program to check for and fix any issues related to the avast program.

Maybe you’ll find some answers in this topic:

Thank you both for the quick reply.Sorry I should have searched for it instead of directly posting.I was just paranoid about such a process.Anyway you can close the topic now.

No problem :), you can close the topic yourself by going to your first post and adding resolved to the topic title.