weird scan files result


Here is an example of a scan report (translated in french i’m sorry but that could be easily understand I think) I made on 7 files. could somebody explain me why avast tells me that he scans 16 files instead of 7.
as you can see, some files seems to refer to directory but it isn’t.

  • Rapport avast!
  • Ce fichier est généré automatiquement
  • Tâche utilisée ‘Interface utilisateur simplifiée’
  • Débuté le lundi 11 décembre 2006 19:02:10
  • VPS : 0656-0, 11/12/2006

D:\Lionel\diary_USA.DOC\UnnamedStream_1 [+] est OK
D:\Lionel\diary_USA.DOC [+] est OK
D:\Lionel\Fax adour 2.DOC\UnnamedStream_1 [+] est OK
D:\Lionel\Fax adour 2.DOC [+] est OK
D:\Lionel\Fax adour.DOC\UnnamedStream_1 [+] est OK
D:\Lionel\Fax adour.DOC [+] est OK
D:\Lionel\Fax Bretagne.DOC\UnnamedStream_1 [+] est OK
D:\Lionel\Fax Bretagne.DOC [+] est OK
D:\Lionel\lettre banque Bretagne.DOC\UnnamedStream_1 [+] est OK
D:\Lionel\lettre banque Bretagne.DOC [+] est OK
D:\Lionel\LIONEL_SAUVEGARDE.mbf [+] est OK
D:\Lionel\Litige Alice.DOC\UnnamedStream_1 [+] est OK
D:\Lionel\Litige Alice.DOC [+] est OK
D:\Lionel\Litige OPEL.DOC\UnnamedStream_1 [+] est OK
D:\Lionel\Litige OPEL.DOC [+] est OK
D:\Lionel\ubsetup.exe [+] est OK
Fichiers infectés : 0
Total des fichiers : 16
Total des dossiers : 1
Taille totale : 25,0 MB

  • Tâche arrêtée : lundi 11 décembre 2006 19:02:14
  • Programme en exécution était 4 seconde(s)

avast counts all elements scanned and a word document may have many elements this is not on unusual, see image. I scanned a single .doc file size 36KB, you will notice not only does it show 6 files scanned check the size of the files scanned.

Thanks for your answer.

I was surprised by the fact that avast reports also a folder instead of 7 files only.

If there is no virus or trojan behind behind that. I’m happy

Have a nice day

Lionel :slight_smile:

What folder exactly do you mean? I don’t see any…

He probably means ‘D:\Lionel\lettre banque Bretagne.DOC\UnnamedStream_1’ where .DOC is originally file and not a directory as it appears when some packed content is inside the file.