West Coast Lab's Checkmark

has avast this recognition?


No avast, doesn’t have it yet :frowning: …although it’s capable of getting it :slight_smile:

I think i quit (to) expensive to participate.

I think it could be a good thing to get it though. As it seems almost all the other major Av’s have it. It’s a hard thing to get, but pays off in the end.

Kind regards,


I think Alwil was not submitted to this test yet ::slight_smile:

“The Checkmark has been developed as an independent testing and standards organisation delivering a high degree of confidence that those products and services which contain the Checkmark can be relied upon to an identified standard. West Coast Labs test products at regular intervals against the individual testing criteria. This testing procedure ensures that a product carrying the Checkmark has achieved that security standard at the time it was tested”

See http://www.check-mark.com/cgi-bin/redirect.pl
The avast! logo is not there… :cry:

Thanks mantra for the link!

Also take a look to this post i made a month or 2 ago…

But people never took the time to reply :-\


Kind regards,


No and we do not plan to join it in the near future. Well, all this certification stuff is about money only - we do not have problems to pass form the technical point of view. Currently we think that ONE such certification (from older and more recognized ICSA) is enough for us :). I have explained this to Checkmark marketing department recently as well!


Which recognized ICSA did avast! was submitted? :wink:

All this certification stuff may just be about money, but at the end of the day most users are not technical experts.Most of us rely on the technical expertise of others and the more independent those technical experts are, then the more confidence we have in the product… be it free or paid for. Lets be honest, most of us run only one anti-virus program. If it doesn’t find any problems we are happy, but that does not necessarily mean we are virus or worm free. That independent assessment is important for Avast and all other anti-virus software producers.
“Happy is the man with one watch for he knows the correct time”. :slight_smile: ::slight_smile:

Ok, I agree with you. I’m just wainting for Pavel’s answer for my question: Which recognized ICSA did avast! was submitted? ;D

I can’t find Avast4 in both
Anti-Virus Scanner Detection Certification
Anti-Virus Scanner Cleaning Certification
in which field is Avast’s cert. exactly ? ??? ???

I admit I did not check ICCA pages for quite long time. I do not know the reason why avast isn’t mentioned there (in Scanner detection section). Will check this on Monday - I know it IS certified :slight_smile:


It seems back when I started using Avast that Alwil was on the ICCA list.

So where did the Monday check leave us???

Still no response ???


ICSA has put Avast32 as a certified product in thier Anti-Virus Detection page ;D ;D
So, what about Avast4? ::slight_smile:
(what I can not understand that ICSA tested Avast4 last July and last August and it passed the tests ;), but only Avast32 is certified ??? ??? )

Your write that in the past tense. What is avast! current certification/testing results, if any?