What am I supposed to do about this?

Recently (just today) Avast! has popped up in the corner with something about a DCOM exploit, and then the popup dissappeared (blocked it I guess). Should I be worried? What should I do about this? Did I post in the right forum?

Here is the log my edit: network gave me:

04.01.2006  18:10:51  DCOM Exploit attack
04.01.2006  18:14:35  DCOM Exploit attack
04.01.2006  18:16:32  DCOM Exploit attack
04.01.2006  18:26:45  DCOM Exploit attack
04.01.2006  18:35:48  DCOM Exploit attack

Hi and welcome,
Short answer is no .
long answer is web sheild scans traffic before it hits your system so if its stopped then you are safe . why you are seeing this is because you must have show detailed info on performed action checked in advanced tab of the customise settings on Web sheild provider. default setting is not checked.
good luck :slight_smile:

Sorry, meant to say network shield, was braindead at the moment I posted.

Should I still not be worried?

Do you have a working firewall? If so, then I would not be worried Avast! is doing its job. Keep scanning your computer atleast once a week (with a variety of online scanners to) and you can have peace of mind.

Your Network Shield already blocks these access attempts, theres nothing to worry about. :slight_smile: What’s your firewall though?

My firewall is windows firewall (using WinXP SP2).

I also have a router, I’m not sure if it has its own firewall, though, it’s a linksys-B wireless router.

Windows firewall only provides inbound protection, which your router may also cover. What they don’t cover is outbound protection to stop any malware that happens to get on your system from phoning home with your personal data or downloading more of the same.

So you may well require a software firewall to provide outbound protection Zone Alarm free should fit the bill.

Welcome to the forums.

Well, thanks for welcoming me.

I mainly use this computer for gaming reasons, though sometimes for other stuff too. I’ve found that ZoneAlarm has hindered me in games, making them slower. Though it’s been a long time since I’ve used ZA, has it changed?

Personally I don’t/haven’t used it for years (I use Outpost Pro) so I can’t say how it might slow games, the ZA recomendation is really because it has a relatively friendly user interface. There are other firewalls out there that provide outbound protection with a light footprint. One such firewall has recently been discussed in one of the forums ‘General Topics’ so a forum search might for games firewall might bring up something, this is just one of them http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=18113.0