What do you think about ZoneAlarm Pro 6.0.632.002 with Anti-Spyware defence

That right this subject is about “What do you think about ZoneAlarm Pro 6.0.632.002 with Anti-Spyware defence” has been added into there firewall package.

I haven’t done enough testing about the new v6.0.632.002 comes with it and we all know ZA doesn’t support Avast Anti-Virus product.

So I am asking for feedback on the new anti-spyware defence come with the ZA product and please tell what you really think, I am happy with Spybot, Adaware, Spysweeper and MS Anti-Spyware.

While I still have SpywareBlaster, SpywareGuard and our beloved true friend Avast Home Edition anti-virus protect with all cannot not live without it.

Bob3160 I know you used ZA Pro please tell me your story about the new product before I really do turn on the ZA Anti-spyware on.

Been using it now since the beta and the antispy has found nothing. There were update problems that appear to have been resolved. I leave it running just for the sheer hell of it. However, I place spywareblaster as my main defence, this is probably why I have no spyware. Sorry I’m not much help.

Well, in my opinion, I wouldn’t really rely on the antispyware Zonealarm provides ( if we’re both talking about anonymizer atonomizer ). It didn’t detect as much spyware as Ad-Aware or Spyware Blaster. Sorry I’m not much help either. I would suggest using the 30-Day free trial provided by trend-micro. It has currently 47172 signatures. You can get it here: http://www.trendmicro.com/download/trial/trial-as.asp

i just noticed a mistake in my last reply.
sorry spyware blaster doesn’t detect but prevents
i meant to type trend micro anti-spyware