Up for an upgrade in 6 mos and I plan on swapping out my 2 year old iPhone 4 for an android, on AT&T. I understand most android viruses are from pirated apps, and next to none reside on google play, but I still would like antivirus to stay on the safe side. I noticed every antivirus app I saw, including Avast (which I plan on downloading for it) requires a lot of permissions. Are the people at Avast doing stuff like reading through my emails or Facebook, uploading my browser history to their servers, and just monitoring the usage of my phone in general? Or does it just skim through my stuff and make sure it’s virus free? I’m sure the latter is true, but I’d just like to make sure my data is safe. Thanks!
at the moment we don’t collect any personal data like emails, Facebook, SMS or stuff like that. Some data are being pushed to our servers for cloud-bases services (Web Shield for example), but they are implemented in an anonymous way so even if we would decide to keep the data, it would be impossible to track them back to an actual user/smartphone.