What does the action 'repair' do?

What does the action ‘repair’ exactly do? I found no information in Avast’s Help Center.

Repair the installation: files, registry keys, etc.
Update the program and the virus definitions.

To keep it simple it basically does an integrity check of the avast installation and if anything is found to be broken it is repaired. Plus the updates mentioned by Tech.

So basically, it’s like a safeguard when scanning for malware? Avast will check its installation to make sure none of its program files and registry keys have been compromised? If its program files and registry keys have been compromised, Avast will attempt to repair them so it can effectively remove/ quarantine the malware?

Meaning…“Repair - move to chest - delete”…If you’re asking in this combo…I have been told and from previous versions of Avast, …Avast use to download some important files from your computer, and if some of those files gets infected, Avast was able to repair that file by replacing it with the exact file in it’s database that it prevously downloaded of your system…
Just a short version of my Explanation…Hopefully someone else can explain it in a more professional way…

Safe Surfing!!!


That’s what I thought; mainly because ‘repair’ was grouped with ‘move to chest’, ‘delete’ and ‘no action’. I figured, by selecting ‘repair’, Avast would attempt to “repair” (i.e. restore the file to its original state or replace the file with an uninfected copy) the file that is supposedly infected. Dr Web CureIt has a similar feature.

I’m currently changing Avast’s settings around, so that’s why I’m asking; I’m wondering if I should use ‘repair’ as my first automatic action.

I don’t think everyone is on the same page here. I believe the OP is asking what the repair function does when malware is found, but the answers seem to be regarding the repair feature for the entire program install/uninstall/repair.

lol there’s a huge misunderstanding here it seems ;D the OP most likely meant “repair” in case of virus detection and infected file, as a suggestion in the Avast pop up, as opposed to “repair” in the uninstall interface of Avast :smiley:

If you mean repair when virus is found, it means it will try to remove the viral code injected in a legit file
most of the malware today can not be repaired/cleaned as the hole file is malware

Clean, Quarantine, or Delete?

Yes mega misunderstanding ;D

LOL, perhaps I should’ve clarified, however, the ‘repair’ feature in the uninstall interface of Avast didn’t cross my mind. Now that we’re all on the same page, thanks to some of the previous posts, is it worth using the ‘repair’ action? It probably doesn’t matter even if most infected files can’t be repaired since my second action would be ‘move to chest’.

Side Note: Why doesn’t the boot-time scan have the ability to choose additional options when malware found in case the first option fails?

Never mind, I just visited the link Pondus posted and read the article. I’m going to set my first action to ‘repair’ and my second action to ‘move to chest’.

Why doesn’t the boot-time scan offer the ability to select more than one action in case the specified action fails?

don’t rely too much on the “repair” action, it rarely works if needed… well from what I’ve heard and what I’ve seen once, repairing an infected file is…hmm… optimistic ;D

As to the bootscan option, why it doesn’t leave choices opened like in Windows scans… I guess the environment when booting might not allow it, not sure about that…

I rely on ‘move to chest’ myself.

I thought it may’ve been a technical issue.

I just thought of another question.

If I choose ‘ask’ as one of my actions, will Avast prompt for an action during the scan thus halting it until an action is given or will Avast wait until the scan ends?