What is Avast browser setup checker?

what is C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\SecureBrowser\avast_browser_setup_checker.exe ? What is purpose? It is also added to run at startup (Run at once in registry) which causes longer Windows boot.
Thank you.

Even it is in Rut at once, after PC restart it disappears but after some minutes is created again. My windows boot is now very slow, please fix or remove this.

What version of Avast ???
I don’t have a SecureBrowser folder in the last regular release of Avast free .


Last version Free 18.1 clean install Win 7.

Free or paid? if paid, which version?
As you see I don’t have that folder at all.

SecureBrowser folder was created 22.2 while clean install was done 12.2 so was added by VPS. Still no info about it. Another strange is, only some PC has this and some not. My second PC has no SecureBrowser folder. Can answer someone from Avast team?

Reported to Avast. (This is the weekend so be patient.)

This program is scheduled to run at each startup in order to ensure that the latest version of Avast’s browser is installed on your machine. It should not slow down your login as it exits immediately and runs a second instance asynchronously which also quickly exits.

I’m running the beta of SecureBrowser but don’t have browser setup checker on my computer ???

Thank you for answer. But i never installed any Avast browser. Each time i do only cutom installation a i never checked any browser. What is purpose of checking version of Avast browser if here no Avast browser installed? Or you want tell me Avast silently installed browser? (I dont see Avast browser in my PC).
So is here any way how remove this? Startup item is always automaticaly added again to startup list.

Second think is why is securebrowser checker only on some PCs. My second PC dont have this.

If you want check for something, using delayed task is better solution then startup item which definitely increasing OS boot time (at least for me).

Thank you.

Nice to meet you
I am in trouble with similar conditions
I posted a topic on the Japanese forum, but I have not received much reply.
Suddenly it took about ten minutes until the desktop screen appeared on PC startup
Finally, even if it starts up, the CPU usage of “avast browser setup checker.exe” is large, and the CPU usage rate at that time is close to 100%.
The cooling fan of the PC keeps turning, making the work very difficult.
And in 40 minutes to 1 hour or so, “avast browser setup checker.exe”
It disappears from the process tab of Task Manager, and PC will be usable as usual after that.

Originally it seems to finish immediately after confirming the installation of “Avast Secure Browser” at PC startup
In my case, the CPU continues to runaway for about 1 hour in total until “avast browser setup checker.exe” disappears from PC start

I deleted this “avast browser setup checker.exe” or complete stop
I want to do it.
I want to know how to do it.
Please advise me
Sorry for my poor English translation.

win 732 bit
Free version Avast 18.2.2328

Although I was allowed to participate in the topic arbitrarily, due to posting reference, the problem of PC by avast browser setup checker has been resolved.

Deletion of avast_browser_setup_checker from C drive succeeded
The browser check function was stopped when PC started up.
The startup time also returned to original, smoothly returning when working on the PC.

Although no one has already seen this topic anymore
For those who have trouble with the same symptoms in the future
Describe how to delete avast_browser_setup_checker

Uncheck Avast Settings → Troubleshooting → “Enable Self Defense Module”.
After that delete “SecureBrowser” and “avast_browser_setup_checker.exe” in the C drive

Thank you very much

“After that delete “SecureBrowser” and “avast_browser_setup_checker.exe” in the C drive”
No such animal on my C drive. ???

I have this exact problem which also began recently.
There are two instances of runonce which are not in the registry, a 32-bit one and a normal 64-bit one.
The initial instance of the secure browser checker just hangs and causes a black screen for the longest time.
If I kill the runonce instances the boot then speeds up.
This is ridiculous, why can’t the browser be updated as part of AVAST program update process?

So I did find the runonce registry entry for this, it was under syswow64 node, basically do a search for “avast_browser_setup_checker.exe”.
Removed that registry entry and my logins are once again fast, instead of waiting on one occasion over 7 minutes with a black screen whilst the browser setup checker was misbehaving.
This seriously needed lots of internal testing before it was pushed out, and again should be part of the well established and efficiently working Avast software and virus definitions update process. This solution is just bloatware.

Spoke too soon, it’s back again and once again a long login with a black screen, seriously this is just garbage.
Will be following fumma’s tip and see if that solves this problem, Avast developers please note causing a black screen and hanging up the user login process should never be considered acceptable.

Is Avast Secure Browser installed on you system ???

Safezone browser is installed and imho is a killer feature as a part of Avast, I definitely do not want to uninstall that.

So I did fummas tip and that worked great, but alas before I shut down for the night the blasted browser checker re-downloaded and attached itself back again.
Long black screen on login again >:(

I mistook the usage of quotes in my previous post.
I modified and posted it again

I have uninstalled “Safezone browser” from my PC.
“Safezone browser” was installed on my PC more than a year ago without permission.
Suddenly a shortcut appeared on the desktop and I was surprised, but there are many people with the same symptoms.

However, it seems only me that I was in trouble with avast_browser_setup_checker in the Japanese forum

Now my PC eliminates “SecureBrowser” and “avast_browser_setup_checker.exe” from the C drive, and there is no “Safezone browser” in the Avast component.

It is a pity that I could not fix nmahmood 0 s trouble by my method

Like TheOwner, I do not have an Avast browser installed, but there seem to be a case in which avast_browser_setup_checker functions

For avast_browser_setup_checker, I want the development team to understand the problem
Sorry for the poor English

I don’t think that this is working as planned, at least on my x64 Win 7 system (Win 10 system is fine). I have the SafeZone browser installed; I’m running Avast Free 8.2.2328. There is now a somewhat slower boot with black screens as compared to before this feature was introduced.
More significantly, when I have Trusteer Rapport installed the boot is very much slower than that, with more black screens. Worryingly Rapport then runs at 25% of processor demand for several minutes after the desktop appears. If I then kill the Rapport service then a avast browser check service starts and runs for several minutes again at 25% processor which makes me think that this is an Avast problem not a Rapport problem. A clean install of Rapport doesn’t change the outcome; removing it entirely is one work-round.
The issue only became obvious recently; the date stamp on avast_browser_setup_checker.exe is 23/03/18 version

So I raised a ticket and got the following reply:

I'm afraid that Avast SafeZone browser is temporarily stopped with the current version of Avast and we are working on a new browser. Our updated browser, which includes a range of new security and privacy tools, will be available for download in the near future.

Please update your Avast program and check if Avast SafeZone browser is still installed. To do that, please open Avast and go to → Settings → Update → Program → Update.

I’ve uninstalled SafeZone browser :frowning:
Although as I now think about it, the way the checker would hang for the longest time looks like a dead socket with a really long timeout waiting to go to TIME_WAIT state, just guessing.
In any case I hope the new version comes out soon.

The uninstall was not an easy matter either.
From the components tab the progress bar reached maximum and asked for a reset.
After resetting it was stuck on uninstalling the browser and demanding another reset, this is how it stayed over another couple of resets.
I eventually got it of my system by going to the control panel and doing a repair on Avast.
Now the option to re-install the browser is missing as well.

I would like to have the Avast Secure Browser but I don’t know how to get it.

You’ll have to wait till it’s released. :slight_smile: