On my XP, behavior section of my firewall keeps reporting bug report. Every day since v8.
Seems to be tied to updates and waking up, but not sure.
It’s like this, usually, possibly always, after I come out of standby and after winlogon and logonui run:
avastSvc.exe runs avast.setup
avast.setup starts
avastSvc.exe launches avBugReport.exe
Then all is quiet and well. And I don’t see any internet activity, no packets, related to the bug report.
What exactly do you mean by “firewall keeps reporting bug report”?
AvBugReport.exe is an executable that checks if any crashes have occurred - and if they have, it may report those; if they haven’t (which should be the usual case), it just exits.
Thank you answering my question. Clear. Now I understand. And that’s a cool idea.
To answer your question, Behavior section of my firewall just watches what program runs, what program starts another program. It asks when no rules yet exist for that instance. It logs, when I select to log.
Avast service is unrestricted, and the only reason I saw this bug report entry is that I had to enable some logging looking for something else. So I saw repeated entries over and over, every coming out of standby, perhaps at other times. That’s what I meant by “keeps reporting”.