Where can I get 'em? :c coz avast! didn’t detect trojans in my pc. I DL a trojan killer but I have to activate it to delete the trojans. How sad, So, Im’ma ask for help again here.
Hope you guys help me.
Malwarebytes Antimalware and SuperAntiSpyware are good companions when cleaning. In general.
But i suggest you use avast! + ThreatFire Free, so trojans won’t even sneak in in the first place. But for now, try with the above two tools.
They are both free.
I see, All I need now is a Trojan Killer. Free and Working fine. Because It detect 4 trojans that avast! didn’t detect
I wonder what those trojans really are. Ppl tend to make a lot of noise even if something detects just cookies…
I also like Malwarebytes Antimalware although I don’t know how effective it is against Trojans… ?
-= How did you find out about these trojans…? You may try sending it first to VirusTotal to assure that the detected ones are real trojans…
-= Moreover, Avast does not consider detecting piracy related softwares [e.g. keygens, cracks, hacks, etc…] while other AVs like AVG marks them as trojans… Avast will not trigger any alert to those,unless, the said piracy related files are proven to be infected…
don’t be that sure. avast defines many keygens or sth else as malware even though they dont contain malicious codes, like the other AVs do. you can watch the actions of a file by using a firewall/hips program such as comodo to see whether or not it is malware.
You can try Spybot Search & Destroy if you still feel unsecure. ;D
In my experience Dr Web CureIT is one of the best on demand malware cleaners for all types of malware especially trojans and rootkits.
My avast is not pirated. I got it here from this site. For Free. And that Previous Trojan Killer that I download is not a crack, keygen or patch fckd up
I just wanna know the opinions of people here. I don’t have any bad intentions here.
-= Fenrir =- did not post that you had such software. That fact should have been evident from mevcit’s reply to Fenrir. Please read those 2 post again for a clearer understanding.
-= Sorry for the confusion, I just want to mean that some other antivirus/antimalware [AVG for exmple] consider piracywares as a trojan while other AVs dont… Some people are actually surprised about it and say something about what avast did not detect & what “this AV” detected…
-= And that sort thing can be pretty confusing since different AVs/AMs have different, um… lets try calling it principle, in detecting trojans… Legitimacy + Contents/Behavioral detections vs. Contents/Behavioral detection … I want to mean some sort of like it…
-= Did it just got a lot more confusing…? Sorry for the bad english…
Well, in fact, avast does mark infected keygens and etc. if they’re infected. Some keygens generators are just that, keygens, not infected files.