What is the "Unnamed Stream_1"? Is this a worm or a virus?

Hello to all;

When i run avast scan, Unnamed Stream_1 appearing in memory test. Can someone give information about that?
Kind regards,

My system win XP, one hard disk FAT32 other is NTFS

What is your OS and how is your Had Drive formatted (NTFS/FAT32) ?

The main thing is did avast alarm indicating this unnamed stream_1 ?

I suspect this is related to a file which has an accompanying data stream, this is possible with files on NTFS formatted drive. If a file is in memory avast would scan it when loaded or at the ‘start avast antivirus’ memory check, if it had an associated data stream then I believe that too would be scanned.

There is no file with Unnamed Stream_1.

You normally don’t see attached data streams only the main file and unless they are specifically named, I guess it defaults to unnamed stream_x.

If there was no alert I wouldn’t be unduly concerned ?
Is the NTFS drive your C: boot drive ?

Unfortunately my XP Pro is on FAT32 partitions (I didn’t change to NTFS when I upgraded to XP) so I can’t do any testing.

Hi pen5os,

Here is some explanation: http://www.flexhex.com/docs/articles/alternate-streams.phtml


Boot drive C: is FAT32 and other is NTFS? What should i do for unscreeing “Unnamed Stream_1” in avast memory scan?

What is the problem ?
Why would you want to do that ?

If a file loaded into memory, etc. has an associated Alternative Data Streams (ADS) that too will be scanned. You can’t as far as I’m aware stop avast scanning ADS if they exist for a file that is going to be scanned.

Unanswered questions:

The main thing is did avast alarm indicating this unnamed stream_1 ?
If there was no alert I wouldn't be unduly concerned ?

To the questions of DavidR

1-Avast doesn’t indicate in alarm mode. When i in internet, memory scan shows many Unnamed Stream_1 then other *dll ,*exe files screening.
2-Could “Unnamed Stream_1” be a physically problem for hard disk ?

No to note 2. it doesn’t harm your HDD.

Read the link on polonus’s post and you will see unnamed_stream is a normal occurrence in some files on NTFS partitions and you should only be worried about it if it were infected, that is why it is good that avast scans these ADS elements.