What is wrong with VT online URL scan results?

Scanning with VT http://www.virustotal.com/url-scan or looking up an existing report returns
What is going on there? And why for instance scanning this at: https://new.virustotal.com/url/62d567e14b730ac1863e2950f679be1ec22d9b65d34cf275f5ff53f828783859/analysis/1325802429/ does not bring up a file scan result as with VT?
This scan is an alternative, but not fully: http://www.garyshood.com/virus/results.php?r=1a172802b8ea33d47692ea6782f4faf1


Trying to get an answer that that same question :frowning:

The old VirusTotal hangs at me on reanalyze when attempting to do URL scans. See attached.

Get this at the new VT. :frowning:
