What is your favorite image editor?

Hi forum friends,

I mention this one: http://www.pixlr.com/editor/

What is your favorite image editor?


I don’t really use an image editor, but SnagIt which I use for screen captures has basic image editing operations. I also use IrfanView which also has basic editing functionality.

Gimp Totally XD

Easily Customizable, i thinks its open source, A free powerful tool :wink: And its quick unlike Photoshop.

Except it has a long loadup if you add to many stuff to it. I had 4000+ once

I have been using Photo Impact for years, but haven’t updated it since X3 came out as it was sold to Corel, and of course it isn’t free. It has plenty of filters and I have added a lot of free ones. It is my image editor of choice. Photoshop is too complicated and certainly too expensive. I originally used Paint shop Pro and liked that too, but again it isn’t free.
I have heard good things about GIMP too, and the online Pixlr looks interesting Polonus.

+1 for gimp (except I use the portable one…) :slight_smile:

What do people mean when they say they have a portable program? Is it smaller, less files ???




I mean, run from a portable device (memory stick etc.)
It is installed on the memory stick so it can be used on any computer without installing.

Have a look at this:

What is a portable app?

This is where I get most of my apps :wink:


Thanks Scott :wink:

paint.Net? IMO its got to be worse than paint XD but I have a need for more tools

Another vote for GIMP…



Another vote against paint.net and not one of functionality, it requires that you have .net framework installed and that is a monster in its own right.

means it can be run on a portable media (like USB key…), with no install needed; so no track on the hard disk, and no track in the registry…if you’re careful. Also useful if you use friend’s computers, you can run some apps without installing anything and/or bugging your friends ;D

image editing, not often needed here, but when needed, I use GIMP. It’s cool, powerful, and free. To be honest, if I was into serious image editing, I’d buy Photoshop, GIMP can’t compare to it, but I’m thankful it exists for the rare times I need to edit a pic.

On contrary, I have .Net as other applications need it to run and it’s there anyway, no problems with disk space.
I use Paint.Net with happiness.

I have one application (Drive Image, essential to me) that needs it otherwise .net wouldn’t be on my system at all. For anyone on dial-up .net framework is an absolute monster, not to mention the .net update process is prone to failure as has happened to me and many others on numerous occasions.

So rather than increase my dependence on .net with yet another application that requires it I will eventually replace Drive Image and get rid of .net framework. When I get an application I don’t like to see that it needs multiple other pieces of software that aren’t a part of the OS.

GIMP user here. :slight_smile:

I’ll never understand ppl who constantly complain over .NET framework. It’s not like you have to install it each time. You install it once and its there forever. And it works great and loads of programs are using it.
And Paint.NET is probably one of the best image editors. Easy to use and very powerful.

It is there forever, until the next update, which isn’t cumulative but another monster download with the opportunity for the update to fail yet again.

You are also introducing yet another MS element that is the target for exploit.

anyway and whatever, thanks for the heads up about paint.net guys, never heard of it before, trying it out now ;)…if my PC survives, I promise to post back later today :smiley:

edit: on a side note, I got rid of MS silently installed extension .net framework in Firefox. Otherwise I don’t mind it.