What ports does Avast's network shield monitor?

What ports does Avast’s network shield monitor? Does it scan all open ports that has traffic flowing through them?

These are the ports monitored by avast… See attachment…!

That’s all of the ports it scans? What program did you use to see that?

  1. Yes, usually that’s all it needs to scan… :wink:
  2. Comodo FW.

O.K. cool, I just opened up PC Tools Firewall and found Avast monitoring the same ports… duh. Didn’t think of checking it.


You’re welcome…!

Those aren’t ports being monitored by the Network Shield, but the Mail Shield (all are email localhost redirect ports) with one exception, the Web Shield redirect on 12080.

The Network Shield monitors ports commonly used for exploits for worms, etc. like the DCOM port 135, there are a number of others though I don’t believe avast will tell you what they are.

I don’t believe you will see the network shield or the ports it is monitoring listed in the firewall logs.