Whats your opinion

I hope this topic is OK for the board and if not I ask a mod to remove this thread but here’s my question. Aside from the cost of powering a desk top computer, do you think its better to leave your computer on all the time (24 hours a day), or shut down whenever your finished using it for the day. Remember I’m not asking about the cost of the electricity.

My Compaq has a sleep mode. My older computer I have always shut down when done. Personally I would not let any computer run 24/7 JMHO.

From my own experience, I can tell you that I burned out a motherboard in less than 2 years by having the system on 24/7/365

Since the motherboard’s replacement, I no longer leave the system on 24/7 :slight_smile:
One of the reasons MySharedFiles, filesharing server (My Computer) is no longer accessible. :cry:

The days of leaving a desk top system on 24/7 are long gone; mine is in regular use and I turn it off every night when done.

This was when it was considered the most stressful time was at boot so the less you boot it the better, but hardware is much more reliable now.

I have to agree with all of the above posts. It is much better to turn your computer off when not in active use.

I bought my first PC (not my first computer) in 1995 and it lasted only 3-1/2 years before there was a motherboard problem. This first PC was left on most of the time but was turned off occasionally. Since then, I have always turned them off. My computers since then have never failed exept for one power supply that failed.

The desktop I am using this very minute is now 6 years old. Turning the computer off when not in use is one of the things that keep it still in use.

It is also better to keep up with critical OS and third party software updates.
A lot of users that have computers up and running all the time loose these out.
This is another reason apart from the hardware implications to advise against it,


Thanks for all your replies,I have always turned ours off at night when done.

You’re welcome.

I shut down the computer every night when done, though it normally stays on while I’m up. I do leave my wireless router-modem on 24/7 so my wife and son can use my internet connection for their computers, since I tend to keep odd hours other than when I’ve got a rare morning appointment.

Off Topic

My router also never gets shut down. I not only need it for WiFi but my home phone depends on the router.
I happen to use MagicJack Plus for my home phone and it’s done an excellent job for the past 7 month. :slight_smile:

Well I will see your off-topic and raise another:
My router and hub have to remain on (BT Internet) for software updates and also BT say if you do constantly switch it off it can mess with your overall connection speed. As their monitoring system sees your constant disconnections and may lower your download rate to try and give a more stable connection. How true that is I don’t know but I’m not about to risk it.

Bob I always wondered how well magic jack worked other than their TV ads. Now they say you don’t even need to have a computer to use it,don’t know what that means. No problem for me if this goes off-topic,I’m comptuer illiterate anyway.

Magic Jack Plus does need to be plugged into your computer one time.
When you first set it up, it needs to do that while plugged into the USB connection of your computer.
Once that’s done, it’s plugged directly into the router and no longer needs the computer except for possible updates and
future changes. At $19.95 per year, it’s the cheapest reliable phone service I’ve been able to find.
(I don’t work for them or get anything for making these positive remarks.)

The old Magic Jack always had to be plugged into the computer and the computer needed to be on in order to use it. (I still have it and it still works after 7 years of use.)
If I ever get to go back to Prague, I’ll be taking it and a phone with me to call home. ;D

Hi Bob!

Wise answer. :slight_smile:


Hi, I have an Acer with vista home premium that I leave on 24/7 because I’m an user of the old Magic Jack. My other pcs I do shut down when not in use.

Buying the new Magic Jack Plus is probably a lot cheaper than replacing a burnt out motherboard… There are also many other benifits
such as much clearer connections, voice and some other benefits. But, it’s your computer and your decision. :slight_smile:

My workstation at work is turned on all the time (currently Dell Precision T1600, previously Dell Precision T1500, HP xw4600 and before some custom built PC) so I could remotely login to it, no problems with it (these competers are still running somewhere in the company). Also at home I had my personal desktop always on, also to be able to remotely login.


I like your signature.


Petr Chocholous, the one with root access
Petr not only has root access but quite often he performs root canal work on this forum. ;D ;D

Veering ever further off-topic, I also use BT Internet and turn off the router every night. I’ve seen no change in connection speed (I don’t use their supplied router though).

Regaining the carriageway, Linux users still seem to talk much of the hardware stress of start-up and how it should be avoided in their forums. This may be because a lot of Linux users seem to delight in running very old hardware and take a certain pride in their ‘uptime’. Also only kernel changes tend to need a reboot in Linux.