I don’t understand why folks are pushing so hard to get Avast! to release 5.0 ?? I just don’t get it.
I’ve seen several threads about release speculation and posts pushing for Avast! to release.
Is 4.8 so crummy, unreliable or incompatible, that everyone is waiting for 5.0 ?? I don’t think so, but I am a new Avast! user and still using XP. Maybe there are issues with other platforms I am not aware of.
I would rather see Avast! release a thoroughly tested and improved (if that is possible) product rather than try to release simply because they stated a couple of months ago to release by a certain date. If nothing else, the recent update fiasco should teach everyone, user and vendor alike, of the importance of thorough testing before any update, either virus detection or program update is released.
Of course there will always be those who will clammer for 6.0 almost as soon as 5.0 is released … just because. I just don’t understand.
Maybe there is a thread or blog I’ve overlooked that outlines why release of 5.0 is so imperative AND by a certain date. :dunno:
I’m looking forward to version 5.0(free version) mostly for heuristics and behavior detection which I believe 4.8 doesn’t have, except for the e-mail scanner heuristics. I like the sandbox feature included in the pro version.