Made sure that I have the Generate Report checked on all scans and core shields.
In the “C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\report” location the only things listed are the original Core shield reports from when Avast was installed.
Since that time these never update and no report is created for scans.
Thank you for your help!
Here is more information:
ran a repair— no change
Uninstalled and reinstalled – no change
If the PC is restarted the Core Shield Logs will update.
If the PC is shutdown and then started NO logs are updated???
SMART SCAN – no log for Viruses&Malware generated?
After much searching I finally located where to turn on the report for Viruses & Malware and it now shows up in the log document.
virus scan>settings>general>troubleshooting>open old settings>smart scan>customize>report file
Maybe there is a more straight forward way, but I just overlooked it because I was looking to hard.
However, the reports for the Core Shields only update upon RESTART. The do not update on LOGOFF and LOG BACK IN?
Any help in this area from anyone?
Am I the only person with this issue?
Good question…why do I need the Core Shield Reports…well…
Historically , on my old PC they were there and updated.
Without much thought I just expected them to work the same way on the new PC.
And when they didn’t I assumed something was wrong.
But, I guess that I really only need the Virus & Malware (since it is not showing in AVAST in the Scan History area.)
Just curious that it records that the shields go off and come back on a restart, but makes no record of the shields going off and coming back on at log off and logon?
Any idea why this has changed or why it is happening?
“If the PC is restarted the Core Shield Logs will update.
If the PC is shutdown and then started NO logs are updated”
That’s the way it’s supposed to work to speed up Windows startup.
If you want to change this action you need to make some changes.
Thank you for your knowledge sharing.
I have learned something new to me .
I will review the link you shared and see what is available.
Thank you again for your time.