Where can I go and tell avast! about a new virus threat (I think)?

Sorry if this is off topic, or this ain’t a virus. Here’s the story… I’m a big fan of onNuetral’ videos and they released hi-res videos on their site. But you have to download them. So I went and downloaded in action… zlob trojan.avi. So I went and downloaded it. I launched it and only the sound would play. My cpu usage went to 100% (I have intel pentium D dual core processor) and it would play it as a sound file yet it was .avi So then I tried to open it with quicktime and the header of it was Blaster worm when the file was called In action… zlob trojan. Here is a demonstartion of it: I uploaded it myself

Now… here’s the weird thing now, I scanned my pc with a boot time scan. MBAM and SAS full system scan. Blacklight rootkit scan. Kasperky online scan and a hijackthis log while everything was clean. But now Windows Media Player doesn’t work anymore. Every time I open WMP it’s extremly laggy and my cpu usage goes high. It only shows an icon of a music note in the middle. i’m getting a bit worried about this. Quicktime works fine but the person who made the videos said DivX and Winamp can watch them. The thing is i’m worried I got a macro virus that affects Windows Media Player. where can I submit it for analysis (my whole windows media player program. Or do I tell the link to the site I got the download from?

I believe this might be a virus, but I’m not entirely sure. Please forgive me if this was a false alarm.
Also please forgive me if I posted this in the wrong spot.

Why don’t you download and install Windows Media Player again?

To submit a file for analysis, zip it and send to virus (at) avast (dot) com

I tried submitting the movie file to Virustotal, it failed to upload (it says it was too big 20MB)

I’m reinstalling WMP hopefully that will fix it.

Dang it, Vista can’t download it, so now I’m ****ed. Now what do I do? I use Vista and I can’t find the download page anywhere.

Where have you searched ?

This search string ‘download windows media player 11’ returns many hits, http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=download+windows+media+player+11. There are numerous file download sites, snapfiles, download.com, majorgeeks.com, etc. etc. which I would have thought would have it. More locations than you can shake a stick at.

This is just one of the hits, filehippo.com, http://www.filehippo.com/download_windows_media_player/.

I can’t, because Windows Media Player is a part of the Vista installation I will have to reinstall or do some hacking (going and deleting registry items) to corrupt Windows Media Player, then it will force reinstall.

WMP might well be an integration in Vista, that shouldn’t stop you from downloading wmp 11 though.

I don’t have Vista and my WMP is 10.5 I believe, that has a Troubleshooting link in the Help, this loads a Microsoft page, http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/player/10/troubleshooting.aspx?locale=409&geoid=f2&version=, that is obviously for wmp 10 so there may be a corresponding page for wmp11.

The limit is 10Mb.

Download the WMP 11 for XP:
Windows Media Player 11 is designed to work with all editions of Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2), and can also be used to restore Windows Media Player and related technologies to N and KN editions of Windows Vista.

ok, the “for windows xp” part made me think that it doesn’t support vista.

There are very few XP programs that don’t run on Vista. There are quite a few Vista designed programs
that don’t work well on XP.

But did it work? Is your WMP working now?

I’m actually currently busy and I will try that later.

Never mind… just post back the results.