Where can I see those Junk Files exactly?

My Avast did a Smart Scan and found over 100GB worth of Junk Files. I am a bit skeptical and would like to see those Junk Files. Unfortunately after the scan it doesn’t show me where it found those files, it just says stuff like “Windows Download Files”, which is of no help to me. Is there a report or log file or something where it shows the path to the actual junk files so I can see and confirm for myself?

Oh btw, I am using Widows 10 and Avast Free Antivirus.

My guess is it will tell you to buy avast cleanup if you continue



Thanks, but I know that already. Will Avast Cleanup tell me where those Junk Files are located? I don’t want to buy it, if it’s not going to help me.

I don’t think all those 100GB of files really are all junk, because I barely had even one GB a month or two ago, so I really want to check myself what is going on there.

Try CCleaner, it is still free http://www.piriform.com

Be aware that there may be some extras you need to opt out from when installing so don’t just click next, next … or use custom install

Alright, I will look into it. Thanks!

What is one persons junk is another’s treasure.

@mchain I can zip and send you may cleaned junk files ;D

Not all files avast says is junk is actually junk. Just sayin’.

@ Pondus. You could send a few over if you wish.

@ Pondus. You could send a few over if you wish.
Only a few! ... no it is all or nothing ;D