where is the hidden AT


I am new here and a german…
These Days I played with the SMS Codes, and I try to restart my Phone by SMS.
But it fails. I get a message AT must be installed as administrative APP! long time ago I installed AT … I know I gave it a hidden Name, but I just don’t know.
How can I find the APP?
Because, I want change it to an administrated APP.

does anyone have tips or suggestions?


the easiest way is, to open (or if you don’t have it - install and then open) Mobile Security.
It offers an uninstall wizard in it’s settings.
then open Mobile Security again and select “Anti-Theft (install)”.
Select the “Advanced Installation” (fortgeschrittene Installation:-) and select “rooted installation” later on.

This will only work if your device is rooted beforehand.
(you probably remember the wrong wording - you need a rooted installation, not an administrated for the reboot function)

(only for rooted devices)
Sample: 2222 REBOOT

Reboots the device!

you may now ask - “What the heck is root?”

Rooting is a process allowing users of mobile phones, tablet PCs, and other devices running the Android operating system to attain privileged control (known as “root access”) within Android’s subsystem. Rooting is often performed with the goal of overcoming limitations that carriers and hardware manufacturers put on some devices, resulting in the ability to alter or replace system applications and settings, run specialized apps that require administrator-level permissions.
These root privileges are needed for a few options within avast! Mobile Security - like the Firewall.
Please consult http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rooting_(Android_OS) for more information about rooted devices.

to find out how to root your device please perform an internet search:
root xda
you’ll find good step-by-step-rooting-guides within the XDA developers forum. be aware that you will loose your warranty if you root the device.

---- hint for users of samsung galaxy devices (Note, SII, SIII and many more): there’s a really nice one-klick-root-tool on xda developers forum available:
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1392310 (scroll down for the links to all the supported devices)----

for further information you can also consult our manual available at:
it will help you understand the basics of the software.
give it a try - it’s short and easy to understand.

You could find a lot of info and solutions in the FAQ:



Hello Werner,

thnx for UR request.

first: My phone is rooted, since I bought it :slight_smile:
and you can install AT, if you do not have root?

and when I send the SMS Command myPIN Reboot, I get an request SMS

avast! Anti-Theft (www.avast.com) FEHLER: avast! Anti-Theft muss als Systemanwendung installiert sein, um das NEUSTART Kommando auszuführen.

I have installed Titanium on the phone, so Ican do such tasks, but this is the Problem, where is AT?
if I knew the folder where it was saved then I would certainly remind you again as I have named them :wink: