Where is the "Menu"???

I know I’m not blind, but I can’t seem to find the “menu” in the simple user interface. The help file suggests to open the menu from the simple user interface to do things like change skins, view last scan results, etc. Help?

Hey Craig,
It’s radicalb21. First let me say welcome to the forum. To answer your question to get to the menu in the simple user interface. Double click your avast antivirus icon on your desktop. If you are using the default skin it is located in the upper left hand corner you will see a little up arrow or a triangle. Then click the button. A drop down menu will appear and give you various options. if you don’t like the skin other skins can be downloaded from this page:


I hope this helps. The menu option is easier to find in the newer skins. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

One other way - and I don’t know if this works in all the skins, but it should be independent of the skin design.

When your interface is open, right-click anywhere on it and that should also bring up the menu. Not on the tooltray icon, that’s a totally different menu.

Sorry, i know this topic is very old :-[

But i still have the same problem, i can’t find the “Menu” in the simple user interface. How can i get to skin interface? Is it a bug?

Right click the skin.

You must check the option to see skins. Right click the blue icon > Program Settings > Common.
Start avast antivirus by the system tray icon menu or execute ashSimpl.exe from avast folder.

This doesn’t work.

Thank you :wink:

What happens? Doesn’t a context menu popup?

Nothing. No context menu appears in the simple user interface. This is not user-friendly i think ::slight_smile:

It’s not a problem of user-friendly but that your avast installation is bad.
Which skin are you using? Can you try (install) another one?
What happens if your run ashSimp2.exe from avast folder?

aVist. It only doesn’t work with the simple user interface, so i had no chance to get back to “menu” and “skins”. But your solution is ok for me.

These options are under Program Settings in the context menu of the system tray icon too.

Avast starts with the simple user interface.

Perfect :wink:

The skinless version :wink:

So, can you change them?

Yes, aVist looks great! :smiley: Thank you!