Was this removed? if so why? Having a custom named APK was the only and most beneficial aspect that set avast apart from other mobile anti theft products.
Rooted Anti-Theft hasn’t been actively developed for a long time.
And currently there aren’t any plans for future support.
So it was decided to remove the installer from Google Play.
Nevertheless, some root features will be still available
in the standard Google Play version.
This is very bad news! Till now I have installed Avast AT rooted on all devices which come to my hands, but now I will need to search for some alternative, which is able to make it harder for thieves to remove the app.
Have you found an alternative?
I also have Cerberus (Premium), but battery drains very fast.
is there any plans to make the standard avast anti-theft much secure so that when even the thief hard resets the phone it will still bee in the device like the rooted one
Then why isn’t Avast not developing the root version & making it much better? Actually I have the root installer setup for anti theft so if I install the root version will it be safe ?
the root installer was the reason for using Avast Anti-Theft
If you still have rooted anti-theft. Please make a copy of it using Titanium Backup, then other people would have a chance to use rooted version too.
Can you do it? I and hundred users will be grateful!!!
I paid for a year license, for what??? Not rooted version do not need to be licensed. What’s the point of using such product? Hard reset kills all data. Give me money back! Or rooted version.
Bonjour a tous, le seul interet de cet apk sur mon mobile etait l’install root, je vais trouver une autre, adieu Avast devenue trop lourd et gourmande.
Je essaye restaurer avec titaniun, mais ne marche pas , au momnt de telecharger le paquetage la liaison est bloque par les serveurs avast .
Resalut a tous, je vien de restaurer a prtir d’une sauvegarde, ça a l’air de marche encore,. Tout est en ordre
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To be exact, the Rooted version of AT is still in Play Store, however i couldnt access it directly … I first installed the standard one and then when i scrolled into Advanced Settings there was a button called ROOT MODE … i pressed it and it brought me to the rooted AT in the play store …
Although, we (users) will think twice on using a non-supported version of an app.
TO be sure,i am still unable to find the option of ROOT MODE in advanced settings. This is too sad and I am on lollipop 5.1.1 using a custom rom on yureka. Can this be a problem? Some one reply me. I am in a great need of this rooted version. thanq
Particulamente uso o avast por conta do anti thelf raiz… Por isso comprei a licença. Tive a necessidade de trocar a ROM do meu telefone e desinstalei o anti thelf rooted. Depois fui tentar novamente instalar mas deu um erro. Como não tivesse mais conexão com o avast. Alguma coisa …port 443 after 50000ms
Sabendo disso não tenho mais interesse de renovar minha licença com o avast no qual possuo 10 contas do telefone da empresa que trabalho. Vou procurar outros apk, se existir … Fiquei muito decepcionado com o não funcionamento do anti thelf avast. Para me, ele o melhor pois dois funcionários da empresa foram roubados e com o anti thelf conseguimos recuperar os dois aparelhos.
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Post in English or use one of the non-English forums.
I’m unable to download the customized app, I always get download error.
Is there any chance to get an APK file of the root app (with whatever name) instead of ann app that tries to download it and get an error all the time?
Forget about getting the root version, it is gone/not developed anymore.
See reply #1
On the normal version there shouldn’t be an option for auto turn on GPS (root only).
This is actually a deal breaker, the ability to connect GPS remotely would ensure the maximum battery saving. My goal is to have an android device acting as locator in vehicles (but trying to avoid draining the vehicles battery)
Any solution available?