where the button to send?

Got a message from the heuristics, propose to sending files for analysis to virlab:


But why no button for sending? I need to catch these files to quarantine, to choose to send? I do not want to do this, I want to have a submit button! ))) Please add it :wink:

if you add to quarantine manually, the file moved to quarantine is only a copy…
then you right click the file in quarantine and send

I do not want to do it. I want to press one button to send. If they offer me to do it - let them simplify this task. Then it will be the finished product :wink: Will be a button added in the future? Everything is built on the little things. I like Avast and I want to see it even better :slight_smile:

you also have the option to put the file(s) in a password protected zip file and sen to avast lab

I know I’m doing this for 2 years almost every day (independent Russians test)
But I say a little about one another. If Avast offers to send files to scan - it means that program needs to provide a simple solution for user (the button on message from heuristics!) :slight_smile:

Why send something that is not in the chest? As far as I know there is no other way to send it to avast. You can always use virustotal.com. :slight_smile: