Where to activate key?

I had a license problem. That my license was expired. Now I got a new key to make my license valid again.
Now I got my key. But when I follow the marks of how to insert the key I can’t find the place.
I’m stuck at the part of right-clicking at the blue a-ball sign. Cause I can’t choose the option for: about avast…
I tried to search a answer on the forum but can’t find anything which looks the same as mine.
I only need to know where to insert the key.
Hope i could inform you enough about the problem, and I hope you can help me with it.



Which is your operational system?
You’re on Linux/Unix/Mac forum…

I have this problem when trying to activate the key on my Mac running 10.5.7 version. Please walk this child through this. Had the same problem last year trying to set this up but forgot, duh, how to do it.



Right click on the icon of Avast! on your task bar and select about avast! then insert your license key.

I hope this help.



Is that the same in Mac and Windows? ???

The mac version does not use a license key. It uses a license file which will be emailed to you once you purchase the program. There is no free home version for Mac.

… or use the third (from left) button on the alert window that appears when the license is invalid/expired - “change license” is its name.
… or, when there’s some usable license or demo-mode, and you can go to the menu, use menubar->avast!->License…

anyway, in the dialog, pick the license FILE (there’s no such thing like license keys).
