I just freed my computer from some PUPs that came bundled using AdwCleaner: Convesoft adware and Open Candy.
If I would have been able to opt out of installing these extra’s I would have, but I was not noticed.
What is the best policy to avoid these adware additionals?
I think the best solution is to use websites like Softpedia. Before downloading the software, you can see if the software is ad-supported or not. Like this, you can avoid downloading software with adware additionals ^^
For Piriform tools, only the slim version is made available in softpedia.
Well I put it in a wrong wording then there,. Those goodies came from speedtest and from a free reader program. I used latest AdwCleaner to get it off of the comp completely as MBAM detected them but could not deliver full cleansing (A reboot was necessary to fully uninstall, else you get “a revival of the PUPs” so to speak) ;D. I shall check my wording better next time. It was a bit cryptic and could be misunderstood. From that context and because I used the gerund it was not quite clear what I meant. Hope you forgive me,
Good question, Pol. These days free popular utilities, such as ccleaner, java, and adobe are bundling these extras. These give the option to not install the extra software but, as you stated, some install it without warning.
I believe you should always download from the developer’s website which, these days, does not guarantee to be free of extras.
When installing, take it slow and pay attention. Thoroughly read each window to make sure you don’t miss some little hidden gem.
I don’t know. There are plenty of traps set. I’m not certain of a way around this if no option is given.
It is sad to see bad user reviews of some great apps at Download.com.
They think that developers are responsible because they installed adware crap together with that app.
At download.com you always have a choice. When they default to their downloader, they also offer
directly below the Large Downloader button, a direct download.
Always choose the direct download option when it’s offered… Put on your glasses.