Where to lookup info on a reported pest in an alert?

Avast Free 5.0.594
Windows XP Pro SP-3

I get a popup from Avast telling me, for example, a linked image in a web page is infected. This was in a forum where the user linked to a photo showing some config data. Avast pops up its alert window telling me the pest is “JS:Script-inf[Trj]”. Okay, I figure “[Trj]” means “Trojan” and that it is about some Javascript in the image. I can guess but I’d rather go read Avast’s definition of the title they gave to this pest.

Clicking the “More Information” link in the alert window is worse than useless. It is adware trying to convince me to buy a payware version (to get the sandbox feature). I actually wanted more information - but on the pest to which Avast alerted. I don’t need to see their advertisement page.

After hunting around their web site for nearly 20 minutes, I gave up trying to find a sub-site that lists their malware and gives definitions to them (which describes the pest, how it behaves, and perhaps even the manual steps to eradicate the pest). Telling the user they were protect from some pest which is given no definition is typical of rogueware (where you visit a site and suddenly it appears a scan is being performed on your host and falsely reports you are infected to lure you into buying their bogus AV software). Idiot lights on a car are for, well, idiots and I expect better from an anti-virus program where users should be allowed be be pro-active or even reactive to any alerts issued in their face about a suspected pest.

Where at Avast do users go to get more information about the pest, not some ad page to buy their payware version?

The JS:Script-inf stands for javascript injection, e.g. javascript injected into a web page for malicious purposes. This is commonly associated with a hacked site.

So this alert most likely came from the web shield and it will have aborted the connection, dropping the injected page code. So this should have prevented the malicious script from having been run, your system should have been clear.

The alert would have looked something like this one, attached (click to expand) ?

I understood what THIS alert might’ve meant. That doesn’t mean I want to come here and post in the forum to find a definition for every possible pest type that Avast happens to alert on. So there is no site managed by Avast where users can lookup definitions of pests and/or types of them (i.e., to take the pest mentioned in the alert and get more info on it)?

Can you provide a direct link to the “Pest” mentioned?
Remember to change the link from http:// to hxxp:// so no one accidentally clicks it.
Then one of us can try running the link through sites such as VirusTotal, Anubis, or Wepawet.
Or if, say, you don’t want to provide the link for whatever reason, you can run it through those sites yourself.

Sure would be nice if your forum didn’t time out my session here as I compose a post which requires re-investigating the whole issue. I’m not going to bother with another long reply because I’ll just lose it when I submit and get told again that I have to login again.

It is unimportant where is the web page on which Avast alerted. Avast has no log to show a history of its alerts so I can’t look there. I can do the Google search again on “+asus +splendid utility” and find the eeeuser forum post. If you want, go right ahead if you feel it is so important to you to see the alert.

My point was not about why a particular web page caused an alert in Avast. My point was to find out if Avast has a site anywhere that has the definitions of type of pests (since that is what Avast happened to alert on this time and not a particular pest) along with definition of particular pests on which it may alert.

So to focus on my question, does Avast have a lookup site for users to get definitions or more information on any alerts presented by Avast? If Avast alerts that XYZ tried to get in or was found on my host, that means (usually) nothing to me. I won’t know what Avast has used in their definition to qualify the file or behavior as malware. So I would like to go look it up. Other AV sites have this type of help page. Why doesn’t Avast?

I don’t think I’ve come across such a site, though I’m relatively new to the forums and the avast! site in general. But the sites I listed will give you a more comprehensive report of whats going on, and why the site (or file) is considered unsafe, a much better report than what you’ll find on almost any antivirus’s website.

Though if I’m wrong about avast! not having such a site, perhaps someone can come in here and correct me.