Which one do you prefer?

Hi guys,
I wanna hear from you which one you prefer…and some suggestions from you :slight_smile:

I think traditional antiviruses are so much better because they also provide protection on computers not connected to the Internet. I trust the signature based virus defintions more than the Cloud definitions. Actually I have more faith in traditional antiviruses because I can see the signatures which the antivirus has and that serves as a peace of mind. Traditional antiviruses also provide a lot of protection modules and other functions not possible in their Cloud counterparts. I had tried out Panda Cloud Antivirus and Immunet Protect but I cannot leave the faith of my PC at the hands of Cloud computing.

Nice opinion :slight_smile:

i enjoy using behavioral based protection from a program called PC Tools Threatfire and I have it running with Avast free antivirus, if avast ever misses something bad on my pc usually threatfire comes up with a behavior report on an object that is preforming unwanted actions, it can give me details of each file that is taking part in the unwanted activity and is either identified as a suspicious product or a known bad virus. and gives the option of killing or allowing these actions. it is also a good combination with avast which works quietly and sufficiently.

from dingo44 :slight_smile:

No lol!
This won’t be quiet then!
It will ask you something everything and that’s the reason why vlk didn’t wanted stuffs like HIPS too :slight_smile:

threatfire isnt a hips its a behavior blocker(very good one) and avast 5 has one of these it just doesnt work(my opinion).hips is totally different


I think there is a kind of Chicken - & - Egg risk with cloud Av :frowning:
If you are dependant on your internet connection in order for your AV to protect you… What happens if a virus stops you connecting to the internet?
Some people argue that this simply can’t happen :-
But we’ve all heard of someone that was unable to download something like MBAM, Avast, SAS … Coz they were already infected.
You get infected via… Web - or - USB … Whatever!
Malware cuts you off from the internet :o
In This Situation… What good is your cloud AV to you? ::slight_smile:


@bri : I didn’t said that Threatfire is a HIPS hehe just took example from vlk
@Hally : Hm…you are right too^^