When the phone is in “stolen mode,” and you call the phone from the number added under “Friends,” there should be an automatic answer and the speakerphone turned on so it is loud and everyone can hear. The thief or whoever found the phone should not have the ability to end the call either. I don’t know if this is even possible to implement.
I would just be happy if AMS and AAT would work and be active on my Avast webpage whenever I lose my phone like i did yesterday. I go to a computer, log into my Avast webpage and was told AAT was not installed. An acquaintance found my phone and gave it back to me. AAT was indeed installed and up-to-date.
Are you kidding me ? Multiple users are reporting the same issue in multiple threads. I lost my phone due to the same issue. Still nobody from your side accepts this issue ?
yes but if nobody helps finding the issue by describing about their system and working with us we’ll not be able to fix it as we can not reproduce the issue inhouse.
ps: you also have to note that we have over 30 million users using anti-theft and only a very small number of our users (< 50 which is less than 1/1000) is experiencing this problem. so its really hard to find out the specific circumstances that lead to that problem on such a specific small number of devices.
Those of us who have reported this issue are probably the only ones using this forum and have either recently lost our phones or checked both or phones and our My Avast accounts. The two phones I reported in another thread have different versions of Android, are made by different manufacturers, and are used on different providers. I installed COMODO Anti-Theft as a fail-safe:
can you get me the device UIDs of the affected devices?
You find them by logging into your avast! Account, going to the device details screen and look at the link in your browser window: https://my.avast.com/en-eu/#devices/view/--> HERE IS THE UID <–/info
Not sure if this is already a feature. If the sim card is the known original sim card, optionally, can out-going calls be disabled on it, even if it is subsequently switched to another phone? (this stops a large bill being put on that account). If the sim card has already been changed, one might want to keep calls enabled just so that sms’s can be sent. Alternatively enabling/disabling could be automatic as required.
Also on the subject of taking photos, there’s not much difference between that and a shop owner having cctv, and photos might provide good evidence. If the owner instructed the phone to take photos, wouldn’t that be a decision of the owner, not Avast, and so Avast could disclaim any liability? That’s one for the lawyers!
Sorry for being harsh but my phone was stolen & then when I try to track via web it shows “Not Installed”. You can imagine the frustration. And most users aren’t aware until their phone is lost & then they log in to the portal.