who panicked the first time avast went: ALERT ALERT ALERT VIRUS (MAX VOLUME) ?

I was so panicked XD I was like OMG If I don’t act fast the virus will spread, what should I do !!!

You would have liked avast 4.8 as that was really loud an alarm and very noticeable visual alert also, much more so than the subdued avast 5 alerts ;D

oooo yes, that made me jump the first time i heard it ;D

;D Here is the way it sounded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycs92N_rph8

Yes, strangely I remember it as being louder ;D

Even though I never had a real virus detection testing with the eicar test file even when you knew it was going to alert, for the first time it still made you jump.

I like it much better than Kaspersky’s Alarm :wink:

Hard to believe they would have a pig squealing as a virus alert ???
Sure this isn’t a wind-up.

The pig squealing was sure there in the old version of the product. I guess 2009 ??? I don’t remember which version it was. But it certainly was there.

The first time I heard the Avast alarm, I shook like a little sissy.
Then I laughed.

You might enjoy it more when it’s used as part of a song
composed by Eddie (one of the forum Evangelists.)
it’s available from MySharedFiles:

Ah that’s more like the avast alert volume ;D

Boy are there some old time favourites being resurrected ;D

Just heard this ‘song’ for the first time. :slight_smile:
Thanks, Bob.

Thank Eddie, he’s the composer. I’m simply hosting the file. :slight_smile:

Well for me its did not scare. I was like wow i want more viruses ! LOL.

Thanks Eddie…!! :slight_smile:

Actually, I’ve been using Avast! since last May and have yet to hear that alert. No virus has been detected other than when I tested it with Eicar to make sure it was working.

Never with avast, but once (or more) with old Avira (9 and older) which had not volume setting and also a loud alert sound which really hurts ears when working with a music production program with Headphone (that’s the case happened for me :wink: )