Why are versions different?

OK, I am comparing two clients Avast! systems to each other.

Client #1: Program version is 4.6.394 and I can access the Virus chests from the ADNM

Client #2: Program version is 4.6.365.0 and I can not access the Virus Chest from the ADNM.

At Client #1 - I went to add/remove programs and updated the Avast Management Tools to version 4.6.394. I then updated the program and VPS via an client side update task.

Performed the same process at client #2, but the Avast Managment Tools update program is telling me that I have the current version and I am up to date: 4.6.365.0, which appears to be incorrect.

How come I seem to be having all types of problems here? Even at Client #1 when the clients were updated and all Policies/Services were applied to the group some of the clients did not even have a section [Chest] in the avast4.ini?

Strange behavior indeed.

Any ideas?

BTW: Both Clients run a mix of Win2k/XP and 1 Win98 box at each location (ironically)


If you have v365 on some of the client(s), that would explain why you can’t access the Virus Chest. The remote Chest access feature was simply not there.

Now let’s find out why it doesn’t update to the latest version.

Please post the tail (let’s say last 100-200 lines) of the file \setup\setup.log.

Also, in the console, try View → Mirror Status and verify that the version in the mirror is indeed 394.

BTW when you’re talking about going to Add/Remove Programs, you probably meant the product “avast! antivirus (managed)”, and not “avast Management Tools”, right? :wink:
