why Avast recommends Chrome? IE has fewer vulnerabilities

According to a study by Secunia, Internet Explorer has a lot fewer vulnerabilities than Chrome.
Then why Avast recommends Chrome?

Can you provide a link?

Could it be this one?


That is a question only avast can answer.

They apparently base this advice on the fact that IE

puts itself at the top of the blocking heap by adding a further layer, Application Reputation (sometimes called SmartScreen Application Reputation), basically a cloud scoring system for assessing each application to see whether it or its publisher is known good, known bad, or unknown.
quote taken from this report: http://news.techworld.com/security/3447306/internet-explorer-10-blocks-more-malware-than-chrome-or-firefox-test-finds/ link article author John E Dunn. And Google is now catching up on that: http://www.pcworld.com/article/2059579/googles-chrome-will-automatically-block-malware.html.

But browser’s CAMP technology in IE and Google Chrome can flag good software on the basis of good web rep that is actually bad and v.v.

Ever heard about the browser war? Apart from browser security it is also very much dependent on what you do with a browser.

No, I think both browsers are very secure and even better with the right extensions (adblockling, script blocking),
but a reason here might be that avast! choose to bundle Google, and they recommend it because it is a secure browser.
For a genuine answer as Para-Noid says one should ash avast!

Blue E came already with the Windows install, didn’t it?
